

11 events by user matt occurring around 2013-03-10 10:56:31.

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14:51 Ticket [1d4ddd8537] megatest with -rerun with no argument crashes. status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 95e57bd7c5 user: matt
14:18 Closed ticket [8be1974caf]: Remove runs appears to have nested calls to sqlite3. Severe blocking is being seen when removing a large bunch of runs. plus 2 other changes artifact: ace62dfc1f user: matt
14:17 Ticket [c5b11a7d4b] Dashboard not expandable in Y dimension status still Open with 1 other change artifact: e24d4f11c1 user: matt
14:17 Ticket [b97b96c518] New state "SKIP" needed status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 63c75be64c user: matt
14:15 Tested ticket [d97637da09]: priority_3 is failing since the file envfile.txt is being created in the regression area plus 2 other changes artifact: de93ed400a user: matt
Moved reading of command line params out of routine that can be run remote check-in: aa38507212 user: matt tags: dev
Transfer host/port via cmdline to tests check-in: fe8386f495 user: matt tags: dev
Added couple needed ignores check-in: 5edab457d0 user: matt tags: dev
Added check for [include ...#{getenv USER}] which apparently wasn't working check-in: ebcffccebc user: matt tags: dev
17:07 Ticket [5a591737fb] getenv USER broken, -waive, -rerun status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: f6f144fe1e user: matt
15:36 Ticket [d97637da09] priority_3 is failing since the file envfile.txt is being created in the regression area status still Open with 3 other changes artifact: 1cf70cb10f user: matt
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