
View Ticket
14:18 Closed ticket [8be1974caf]: Remove runs appears to have nested calls to sqlite3. Severe blocking is being seen when removing a large bunch of runs. plus 2 other changes artifact: ace62dfc1f user: matt
14:54 Ticket [8be1974caf]: 3 changes artifact: 320e73f3dd user: matt
14:53 New ticket [8be1974caf]. artifact: 1344a37a51 user: matt

Ticket Hash: 8be1974caf7fb98c0f670a2eaaf355af0f166648
Title: Remove runs appears to have nested calls to sqlite3. Severe blocking is being seen when removing a large bunch of runs.
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2013-03-10 14:18:37
Version Found In: v1.5114
Remove runs appears to have nested calls to sqlite3. Severe blocking is being seen when removing a large bunch of runs.

matt added on 2013-03-10 20:18:37 UTC:
Fixed in the process of adding non-fs transport support.