

20 most recent ticket changes occurring on or after 2013-08-05 12:24:21.

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10:51 New ticket [6439c86ec5] Dashboard crashes on //// as a target in db. artifact: d89ef3163f user: matt
23:01 New ticket [eee7e7ef7e] crash when running bigbig. artifact: 68dcf705e1 user: matt
09:57 New ticket [e1c04aa7aa] Add test for handling corrupted or non-readable testdat.db. artifact: c92ce69fae user: mrwellan
14:55 New ticket [03dfedbb23] output from launcher script into mt_launch.log appears to not retain any newlines.. artifact: ebfeb1af0f user: mrwellan
11:08 New ticket [58552973a3] Crash on db access to testdat.db. artifact: 01625d276c user: matt
11:17 New ticket [a9acdc76d4] monitor job breakage when overloaded. artifact: 79d8e8d53f user: matt
08:43 Closed ticket [7169585095]: Add different sort options to the various views plus 4 other changes artifact: 227e73293c user: mrwellan
08:43 Closed ticket [94aa04368e]: server stats available at /stats plus 2 other changes artifact: 8b3eb4f588 user: mrwellan
08:42 Closed ticket [83c98177a8]: list-runs fails on new database plus 5 other changes artifact: 8cc03dda9e user: mrwellan
09:38 New ticket [83c98177a8]. artifact: cb907b58ee user: mrwellan
23:17 Closed ticket [1d4ddd8537]: megatest with -rerun with no argument crashes. plus 4 other changes artifact: ce40a2ead4 user: matt
23:08 Closed ticket [248a4966e8]: somehow bad testdat.db got created. need way to recover and if possible prevent plus 5 other changes artifact: 5f0b9a1dab user: matt
23:06 Closed ticket [225fed7df8]: dashboard should be able to start in test environment, crashes if try plus 5 other changes artifact: cdacd8f03e user: matt
23:04 Closed ticket [20a2aa6c0f]: Rollu up items check status to the parent check. plus 5 other changes artifact: e85161eafa user: matt
23:03 Closed ticket [1a261bc7c6]: Removed DISPLAY from megatest.csh plus 5 other changes artifact: 46946dc8c3 user: matt
23:03 Closed ticket [1581e22677]: Need ability to dump config files plus 5 other changes artifact: 648fb60978 user: matt
22:05 Closed ticket [0770fa27aa]: Interactive run launching via dashboard/gui plus 5 other changes artifact: 6da67cf455 user: matt
22:04 Closed ticket [0681c19493]: New variable needed; MT_RUN_LINKS_AREA, must be available at test launch time plus 5 other changes artifact: 3da16cdc06 user: matt
00:34 New ticket [258ecdb207] Crash in gui going from Run Summary to Run control. artifact: 99b2a638b8 user: matt
12:24 New ticket [89c0faa86d] scheme not evaluating properly in megatest.config. artifact: 46c13bc6f7 user: matt
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