
View Ticket
09:57 New ticket [e1c04aa7aa] Add test for handling corrupted or non-readable testdat.db. artifact: c92ce69fae user: mrwellan

Ticket Hash: e1c04aa7aa72e27fff3d1fb9b5c195795c9614a5
Title: Add test for handling corrupted or non-readable testdat.db
Status: Open Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2013-11-05 09:57:08
Version Found In: v1.5514
User Comments:
mrwellan added on 2013-11-05 16:57:08:

As part of overall pre-release qa do the following steps:

  1. corrupt, remove or make read-only a testdat.db
  2. run "megatest -list-runs %"
  3. look for full output