
View Ticket
14:46 New ticket [d18665ecd9] testconfig evaluation leaking to other tests.. artifact: f87ae6e889 user: mrwellan

Ticket Hash: d18665ecd94c0d1240085c46b4517da78befd3fa
Title: testconfig evaluation leaking to other tests.
Status: Open Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2024-01-23 14:46:51
Version Found In: v1.80
User Comments:
mrwellan added on 2024-01-23 21:46:51:
The symptom seen is that [pre-launch-env-vars] in test1 is executed in test2 if defined using #{shell …}

Related, [pre-launch-env-vars] variables set by calling [system …] do not show up in the shell /

(sample from test1 testconfig)

MY_PRELAUNCH_VAR #{shell echo test1 $MT_TEST_NAME}

(sample from test2 testconfig)
