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18:12 New ticket [ca896bc63d] request new state/status. artifact: 39f0bb750d user: bb

Ticket Hash: ca896bc63d6c6de69ee35f0ee60155e14821b1a8
Title: request new state/status
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2019-07-29 18:12:46
Version Found In: any
User Comments:
bb added on 2019-07-30 00:12:46:
I tend to use "skip" state to mean "this test is not applicable", and any downstream dependencies to propagate skip (manually in the test itself).

The ask:
1) a logpro rule (expect:not-applicable ... )
2) when a test is examined to run, if any of its dependencies are COMPLETED/NOT_APPLICABLE, treat that dependency as a PASS

This allows a regression where
1) inputs are not trusted.  If the input is broken, and the design intent is that if the input is invalid, this test is not a fail, just merely not applicable, this can be implemented by a logpro rule.
2) a flow is immature.  If an input is not ready, and the design intent is that the run passes even if some tests' input is invalid, this can be implemented by a logpro rule.