
View Ticket
12:26 Ticket [2102f85b7e] typo in any testconfig affects top level environment status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 48331d1402 user: mmgraham
12:25 New ticket [2102f85b7e]. artifact: 7ff0c6488a user: mmgraham

Ticket Hash: 2102f85b7ed68ef7f8a94f4f418387fe26a57873
Title: typo in any testconfig affects top level environment
Status: Open Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2021-07-08 12:26:23
Version Found In: 1.65/86
If a test in the test list for a run has a typo like "items]" instead of "[items]" (missing bracket) it causes an env check to fail at the top level (precheck test) megatest.csh will contain "#setenv items]", and precheck will flag an illegal env var.