
History Of Ticket 4824d554bc4dcee17459345f212887606b127fb1

Artifacts Associated With Ticket 4824d554bc4dcee17459345f212887606b127fb1

  1. Ticket change [71a2ed4b26] (rid 27350) by mmgraham on 2024-03-25 11:02:20:

    1. comment initialized to:
      Enhancment/fixes to subrun capability:
      I tried to enable subrun tests as an items-based test. The idea was to defined a single test "optx" that would be an items based test whose items were the subrun targets.
      I used the following testconfig definition:
      runwait yes
      target #{getenv TEST_TARGET}
      run-name #{getenv MT_RUNNAME}
      TEST_TARGET [system $EXTBASE/tests/$MT_TEST_NAME/compose_targets.csh]
      The compose_targets.csh script just uses the master target name (MT_TARGET), removes the -optall extension, and then uses the list of opt# defined in the variable MASTER_OPTS to define new targets
      Essentially: MT_TARGET-opt# (where MT_TARGET has been stripped of the -optall extension)
      The initial trial appears to have worked, partially, in invoking runs.
      However, when attempting to remove the master target run, I get errors during cleanup related to:
      INFO: (0) Running sub megatest command: megatest -log /p/fdk/gwa/rgatlin/qa/setupqa/links/<path>/subrun-optall/test/<path>/subrun-opt3/remove-<path>_subrun-opt3-NO-RUNNAME-_.log -runname NO-RUNNAME -target <path>/subrun-opt3 -start-dir /nfs/site/disks/ch_ciaf_disk007/fdk_gwa_disk002/rgatlin/fossil/megatestqa/setupqa -remove-runs
      The system seems to lose track of the subrun RUNNAME and TESTPATT, and the end result is I cannot clear the master target run from dashboard.
      as in "make clean TARGET=<master_target> RUNNAME=<runname>" will not clean the run due to the above failures.
      I would like to enable the [subrun] feature in combination with [items] (or [itemstable]) which seems like a natural extension of existing megatest functionality
    2. foundin initialized to: "1.80"
    3. login: "mmgraham"
    4. private_contact initialized to: "0afb73d7b293782231fbe8f667bd97beb55cf0fc"
    5. severity initialized to: "Minor"
    6. status initialized to: "Open"
    7. title initialized to:
      Enhance [subrun] feature to work with [items] based tests in megatest
    8. type initialized to: "Feature_Request"