
View Ticket
Ticket Hash: b99251aaf8dad18d6b8d1fd51f218fdb7891a2b3
Title: megatest.csh / can set invalid variables that cause shell to error
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2017-07-12 12:15:08
Version Found In: 1.6424
In runconfig files, common mistakes like creating a dividing line with ******** or accidentally wrapping a line, eg

yvar /blah/blah -ot foo.4.ot to myvar /blah/blah -ot foo<newline> .4.0t

Result in errors in csh and warnings in bash like ./ line 75: export: `.4.ot=': not a valid identifier

When creating megatest.csh/.sh, lets filter and warn when a env var name is invalid, that is does not begin with an alphabetic