
View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 58552973a34518d4b74aa666120694dfb42fd23e
Title: Crash on db access to testdat.db
Status: Open Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2013-11-02 11:08:19
Version Found In: v1.5513
User Comments:
matt added on 2013-11-02 17:08:19: (text/x-fossil-wiki)
ERROR: problem accessing test db /tmp/megatest/tests/fullrun/tmp/mt_links/ubuntu/nfs/none/db-extract-ods-file/runfirst, you probably should clean and re-run this testno such table: test_data
ERROR: error on access to testdat for test with id 8015

Error: (append) bad argument type - not a proper list: #<unspecified>

	Call history:

	db.scm:282: condition-property-accessor	  
	db.scm:281: g544	  
	db.scm:281: debug:print	  
	common_records.scm:51: debug:debug-mode	  
	common_records.scm:52: with-output-to-port	  
	db.scm:2138: call-with-current-continuation	  
	db.scm:2138: with-exception-handler	  
	db.scm:2138: ##sys#call-with-values	  
	db.scm:2142: sqlite3#for-each-row	  
	db.scm:2138: k2616	  
	db.scm:2138: g2620	  
	db.scm:2140: debug:print	  
	common_records.scm:51: debug:debug-mode	  
	common_records.scm:52: with-output-to-port	  
	db.scm:2157: make-hash-table	  
	db.scm:2204: sort	  	<--