
View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 3e667e96cc84702134669712d239ef93ff29895a
Title: Removal of a tests directory causes the test control panel to crash
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Severe Priority: Immediate
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2015-06-15 00:32:55
Version Found In: v1.52
EXCEPTION: database probably overloaded?
  no such table: test_steps

        Call history:

        db.scm:246: sqlite3#make-busy-timeout
        db.scm:249: sqlite3#set-busy-handler!
        db.scm:256: debug:print-info
        common_records.scm:58: debug:debug-mode
        db.scm:1540: sqlite3#for-each-row
        db.scm:92: k384
        db.scm:92: g388
        db.scm:96: debug:print
        common_records.scm:51: debug:debug-mode
        common_records.scm:52: with-output-to-port
        db.scm:97: condition-property-accessor
        db.scm:97: g392
        db.scm:97: debug:print
        common_records.scm:51: debug:debug-mode
        common_records.scm:52: with-output-to-port
        db.scm:98: print-call-chain             <--
User Comments:
matt added on 2015-06-15 06:32:55: (text/x-fossil-plain)
testdat.db has been completely removed.