
View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 311d767396c7a9aabef6197cfeb63c59b3333b67
Title: Running list runs in tests directory causes crash
Status: Open Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2017-07-17 09:01:42
Version Found In: v1.64
User Comments:
matt added on 2017-07-17 15:01:42: (text/x-fossil-plain)
<verbatim>ERROR: sqlite3 issue in db:with-db, dbstruct=#<dbr:dbstruct>, run-id=#f, proc=#<procedure (a16089 db4221)>, params=() error: near ",": syntax error
mrwellan@matt-VirtualBox:~/data/megatest/tests$ megatest -list-runs % 
INFO: (0) Unable to access path: #f
Script not found or not exectutable: ./
ERROR: linktree not defined in [setup] section of megatest.config

	Call history:

	db.scm:104: dbr:dbstruct-dbstack	  
	db.scm:104: stack#stack-pop!	  
	db.scm:142: db:dbdat-get-db	  
	db.scm:148: conc	  
	db.scm:148: common:low-noise-print	  
	common.scm:422: g1649	  
	common.scm:422: string-intersperse	  
	common.scm:423: hash-table-ref/default	  
	common.scm:424: current-seconds	  
	db.scm:150: call-with-current-continuation	  
	db.scm:150: with-exception-handler	  
	db.scm:150: ##sys#call-with-values	  
	db.scm:2355: sqlite3#fold-row	  
	db.scm:150: k1169	  
	db.scm:150: g1173	  
	db.scm:153: print-call-chain	  	<--
ERROR: sqlite3 issue in db:with-db, dbstruct=#<dbr:dbstruct>, run-id=#f, proc=#<procedure (a16089 db4221)>, params=() error: near ",": syntax error