
View Ticket
Ticket Hash: 0b723d1367f9d6503f9d0a5790658aa4fa902152
Title: (print (rmt:test-get-records-for-index-file 1 "test1")) => unspecified
Status: Open Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2014-03-16 21:49:10
Version Found In: v1.60
<verbatim>INFO: (1) Test exited in state=RUNNING, setting state/status based on exit code of #t and rollup-status of 127

Error: (for-each) bad argument type - not a list: #<unspecified>

        Call history:

        http-transport.scm:274: thread-terminate!         
        http-transport.scm:275: debug:print-info          
        common_records.scm:68: debug:debug-mode   
        http-transport.scm:225: k682      
        http-transport.scm:225: g686      
        rmt.scm:59: db:string->obj        
        db.scm:1749: regex#regexp         
        db.scm:1748: regex#string-substitute      
        db.scm:1747: base64#base64-decode         
        db.scm:1746: with-input-from-string       
        db.scm:1750: s11n#deserialize     
        tests.scm:331: with-output-to-port        
        tests.scm:334: conc             <--
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