
History Of Ticket f1ce13e29b

Artifacts Associated With Ticket f1ce13e29b

  1. Ticket change [fd10806032] (rid 6187) by matt on 2014-02-13 10:59:25:

    1. comment initialized to:
      chlr12706> megatest -step showresults -setlog results.html :state end :status 0
      shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
      Error: (current-directory) cannot retrieve current directory
              Call history:
              megatest.scm:316: args:get-arg    
              margs.scm:17: hash-table-ref/default      
              megatest.scm:333: args:get-arg    
              margs.scm:17: hash-table-ref/default      
              megatest.scm:348: hash-table-keys         
              megatest.scm:346: lset-intersection       
              megatest.scm:352: setup-for-run   
              launch.scm:422: hash-table?       
              launch.scm:425: args:get-arg      
              margs.scm:17: hash-table-ref/default      
              launch.scm:427: get-environment-variable          
              launch.scm:424: find-and-read-config      
              configf.scm:253: ##sys#get-keyword        
              configf.scm:253: ##sys#get-keyword        
              configf.scm:253: ##sys#get-keyword        
              configf.scm:254: current-directory              <--
      chlr12706> cd $PWD
      chlr12706> megatest -step showresults -setlog results.html :state end :status 0
    2. foundin initialized to: "v1.5514"
    3. severity initialized to: "Critical"
    4. status initialized to: "Open"
    5. title initialized to: "setlog crashes if run in wrong directory."
    6. type initialized to: "Code_Defect"