
History Of Ticket ed086b88ddb074645686e71b37dcabf924ccb592

Artifacts Associated With Ticket ed086b88ddb074645686e71b37dcabf924ccb592

  1. Ticket change [68e4f3e8e7] (rid 7305) by matt on 2014-09-29 14:37:29:

    1. foundin initialized to: "v1.5524"
    2. icomment:
      chlr15003 to clean up
      EXCEPTION: database probably overloaded or unreadable.
       message: unbound variable
      exn=((exn (location #f) (call-chain (#(db.scm:502: current-process-id #f #f) #(db.scm:502: get-host-name #f #f) #(db.scm:502: debug:print-info #f #f) #(common_records.scm:68: debug:debug-mode #f #f) #(common_records.scm:69: with-output-to-port #f #f) #(common_records.scm:71: format#format #f #f) #(db.scm:487: call-with-current-continuation #f #f) #(db.scm:487: with-exception-handler #f #f) #(db.scm:487: ##sys#call-with-values #f #f) #(db.scm:472: debug:print-info #f #f) #(common_records.scm:68: debug:debug-mode #f #f))) (arguments (*db:all-write-procs*)) (message unbound variable)) (runtime))
       status:  #f
              Call history:
              db.scm:496: debug:print   
              common_records.scm:58: debug:debug-mode   
              common_records.scm:59: with-output-to-port        
              db.scm:497: condition-property-accessor   
              db.scm:497: g1000         
              db.scm:497: debug:print   
              common_records.scm:58: debug:debug-mode   
              common_records.scm:59: with-output-to-port        
              db.scm:498: condition->list       
              db.scm:498: print         
              db.scm:499: condition-property-accessor   
              db.scm:499: g1002         
              db.scm:499: debug:print   
              common_records.scm:58: debug:debug-mode   
              common_records.scm:59: with-output-to-port        
              db.scm:500: print-call-chain            <--
    3. login: "matt"
    4. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-wiki"
    5. severity initialized to: "Important"
    6. status initialized to: "Open"
    7. title initialized to: "crash in a read-only area"
    8. type initialized to: "Code_Defect"
  2. Ticket change [5ef8e657b3] (rid 8360) by matt on 2015-03-11 23:33:13:

    1. icomment: "Fixed recently. Which commit - not sure."
    2. login: "matt"
    3. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-plain"
    4. priority changed to: "Immediate"
    5. resolution changed to: "Fixed"
    6. status changed to: "Closed"