
History Of Ticket 63123a53245b61aa

Artifacts Associated With Ticket 63123a53245b61aa

  1. Ticket change [4bb82a258e] (rid 424) by anonymous on 2011-07-15 14:14:35:

    1. severity initialized to: "Important"
    2. status initialized to: "Open"
    3. title initialized to:
      megatest needs to do a cleaner job on exiting when killed
    4. type initialized to: "Code_Defect"
  2. Ticket change [06c59e0166] (rid 8931) by matt on 2015-06-11 14:45:22:

    1. icomment: "Fixed in v1.6016"
    2. login: "matt"
    3. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-plain"
    4. priority changed to: "Immediate"
    5. resolution changed to: "Fixed"
    6. status changed to: "Closed"