
History Of Ticket 51f2557c247f608c

Artifacts Associated With Ticket 51f2557c247f608c

  1. Ticket change [58ad137138] (rid 9563) by bjbarcla on 2015-09-23 14:37:26:

    1. icomment:
      Provide a switch to output status of runs matching specified pattern.
      Output would be "<runname> <overall status>" for each run matching pattern.
      overall status should reflect the overall status of the run.  THe idea is that a querying script could know whether a run is "done, but at least one test failed", "done, all tests passed" "in progress", "not started". 
      Eg: if some tests are running, others are not started, and others are completed
      Output should be spartan to make parsing easy.
      megatest -runstatus %
      myrun0 COMPLETED/FAIL
      myrun1 COMPLETED/PASS
      myrun3 RUNNING/PASS
      myrun3 RUNNING/FAIL
      myrun4 NOT_STARTED
      myrun5 STUCK
    2. login: "bjbarcla"
    3. mimetype: "text/x-fossil-plain"
    4. private_contact initialized to: "463e166cbd557fda643f629dd4886619ce461689"
    5. severity initialized to: "Important"
    6. status initialized to: "Open"
    7. title initialized to: "Provide switch to emit run status of a run"
    8. type initialized to: "Feature_Request"