
History Of Ticket 4a26d0d54d8c5170

Artifacts Associated With Ticket 4a26d0d54d8c5170

  1. Ticket change [694f5d07e2] (rid 10443) by lefkowit on 2016-02-05 09:57:54:

    1. comment initialized to:
      Run data intermittently disappears from the megatest dashboard. It can be recovered by closing the dashboard and reopening it, but "Refresh" does nothing.
    2. foundin initialized to: "1.60/26"
    3. login: "lefkowit"
    4. private_contact initialized to: "7b93d5170bab43f54f64fd2d328ed6c06b0e38c6"
    5. severity initialized to: "Minor"
    6. status initialized to: "Open"
    7. title initialized to: "Run data disappears from dashboard"
    8. type initialized to: "Code_Defect"
  2. Add attachment "missingdashboard.png" [e76d7ad7d7] (rid 10445) by lefkowit on 2016-02-05 10:02:51.