
History Of Ticket 188f74ee68206aff

Artifacts Associated With Ticket 188f74ee68206aff

  1. Ticket change [e7de734b3a] (rid 14469) by bjbarcla on 2017-05-30 16:24:30:

    1. comment initialized to:
      This caused confusion in a customer who did not understand the run indeed was deleted despite persisting in left pane hier browser.
    2. foundin initialized to: "1.64"
    3. login: "bjbarcla"
    4. private_contact initialized to: "29ed46db8d4de98c50ec7c8a4e409afe3f661bb6"
    5. severity initialized to: "Important"
    6. status initialized to: "Open"
    7. title initialized to:
      When run is removed, update hierarchy widget to delete run
    8. type initialized to: "Feature_Request"