
History Of Ticket 0ff1cbfa82

Artifacts Associated With Ticket 0ff1cbfa82

  1. Ticket change [a49510f006] (rid 24313) by tyardeni on 2022-06-24 15:52:19:

    1. comment initialized to:
      Need a megatest "dead man's switch" feature.
      When applied, this would mark all pending operations in the database as "canceled" or something along those lines. Any runners calling home would not see any action left to take and exit.
      Potentially should take target/runname/testpatt as arguments to filter which items to "cancel"
    2. foundin initialized to: "1.65"
    3. login: "tyardeni"
    4. private_contact initialized to: "97a985880d55d4326aae6748098171ce1de44344"
    5. severity initialized to: "Important"
    6. status initialized to: "Open"
    7. title initialized to: ""dead mans switch" enhancement"
    8. type initialized to: "Feature_Request"