
History Of Ticket 0a427afb4b4f589e2d64571c068448fe8efaea97

Artifacts Associated With Ticket 0a427afb4b4f589e2d64571c068448fe8efaea97

  1. Ticket change [eb72e2a9c6] (rid 6572) by matt on 2014-03-18 14:07:28:

    1. comment initialized to:
      Warning (#<thread: Keep running>): in thread: (finalize!) cannot start a transaction within a transaction: #<sqlite3:statement sql="\b\x1b�">
              Call history:
              db.scm:416: hash-table-set!       
              db.scm:416: hash-table-set!       
              db.scm:416: hash-table-set!       
              db.scm:416: hash-table-set!       
              db.scm:416: hash-table-set!       
              db.scm:416: hash-table-set!       
              db.scm:416: hash-table-set!       
              db.scm:416: hash-table-set!       
              db.scm:416: hash-table-set!       
              db.scm:416: hash-table-set!       
              db.scm:416: hash-table-set!       
              db.scm:416: hash-table-set!       
              db.scm:445: append        
              db.scm:421: g838          
              db.scm:423: sqlite3#prepare       
              db.scm:424: sqlite3#with-transaction            <--
      INFO: db sync, total run time 75.0 ms
          test_steps 526  
          test_data  77   
          tests      49   
    2. foundin initialized to: "v1.6"
    3. severity initialized to: "Critical"
    4. status initialized to: "Open"
    5. title initialized to: "transaction within transaction error"
    6. type initialized to: "Code_Defect"
  2. Ticket change [38349507b6] (rid 6713) by matt on 2014-04-09 12:00:34:

    1. Appended to comment:
      <hr /><i>matt added on 2014-04-09 18:00:34 UTC:</i><br />
      Fixed in v1.5515. Will be merged to v1.60
    2. priority changed to: "Immediate"
    3. resolution changed to: "Fixed"
    4. status changed to: "Closed"