

11 most recent events by user matt occurring on or after 2015-04-01 00:08:53.

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Added setting of MT_RUNNAME if available prior to processing megatest.config and added test check-in: 8cdcec66a6 user: matt tags: v1.60
22:28 Ticket [6a4329c9c6] removing tests using state/status FAIL where some items are FAIL and some are PASS also removes PASS items status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 6e4d24ffec user: matt
22:18 Ticket [beea22d42a] Improve deletion of tests status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: 5b2654fd06 user: matt
22:15 Ticket [95112e959b] dashboard error status still Open with 4 other changes artifact: 23da63d33e user: matt
22:14 Closed ticket [844c787233]: dashboard error. plus 5 other changes artifact: 208c912f07 user: matt
22:11 Fixed ticket [ec89f803f2]: http-client error when server is dead plus 5 other changes artifact: e462c888fb user: matt
21:54 Fixed ticket [d33ba94e7e]: Communication to server failing with message: WARNING: Communication failed, trying call to http-transport:client-api-send-receive again. plus 5 other changes artifact: 23c1326599 user: matt
21:53 Ticket [61e921f9cf] kill tests not working well under high NFS load status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 3cdc587078 user: matt
Merged in ezsteps refactor branch check-in: db2ccc3980 user: matt tags: v1.60
Fixed process killing? Closed-Leaf check-in: 5b3294f8c9 user: matt tags: ezsteps-refactor
Added temp test for looking at failed killing of jobs check-in: 9fc571c903 user: matt tags: ezsteps-refactor
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