

11 events occurring on or before 2015-06-15 08:43:20.

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Merged in some earlier fixes. More complete handing of INCOMPLETE, more fine-grained rollup, bumped version to v1.6017. check-in: 43f7a73d94 user: mrwellan tags: v1.60
01:07 Closed ticket [143de9a735]: Megatest crashes if there is no fields section in megatest.config plus 5 other changes artifact: f88ff43951 user: matt
Added better rollup of WARN, WAIVED, etc. Fixed waiver setting. check-in: b0fecb65e1 user: matt tags: v1.60, v1.6017
00:55 Closed ticket [ebe7ecd305]: list-runs not honoring deleted and DELETED state plus 5 other changes artifact: bb71ddbab6 user: matt
00:54 Closed ticket [3d011b3544]: WARN status subtests do not roll up as WARN plus 5 other changes artifact: fbe16b0450 user: matt
00:32 Closed ticket [3e667e96cc]: Removal of a tests directory causes the test control panel to crash plus 5 other changes artifact: 300ffd0756 user: matt
00:31 Closed ticket [6439c86ec5]: Dashboard crashes on //// as a target in db plus 4 other changes artifact: 9e801f6087 user: matt
Added check for target of wrong number of fields check-in: 570ea78e10 user: matt tags: v1.60
Several sundry bugs fixed. check-in: ecfc51c43c user: matt tags: v1.60
00:09 Closed ticket [ddb28436d0]: megatest -test-path (singular) does not seem to work reliably plus 4 other changes artifact: ceccf3a4d8 user: matt
00:07 Closed ticket [eee7e7ef7e]: crash when running bigbig plus 4 other changes artifact: 0392788196 user: matt
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