

20 most recent ticket changes occurring on or after 2015-06-09 16:25:38.

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00:09 Closed ticket [ddb28436d0]: megatest -test-path (singular) does not seem to work reliably plus 4 other changes artifact: ceccf3a4d8 user: matt
00:07 Closed ticket [eee7e7ef7e]: crash when running bigbig plus 4 other changes artifact: 0392788196 user: matt
00:06 Closed ticket [08d5e2205d]: Error: too few arguments - received 5 but expected 6: #<procedure (tests:test-set-status! plus 5 other changes artifact: add1122819 user: matt
00:05 Closed ticket [b1af162624]: crash in v1.60 -list-db-targets plus 3 other changes artifact: eb7d8ce825 user: matt
23:40 Ticket [6439c86ec5] Dashboard crashes on //// as a target in db status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 0435dae979 user: matt
23:34 Closed ticket [a7c52fadf2]: MT_LINKTREE not available in launching environment plus 5 other changes artifact: 3b9793d267 user: matt
23:27 Closed ticket [95112e959b]: dashboard error plus 4 other changes artifact: ed55e5fd17 user: matt
23:24 Closed ticket [78ee7b2279]: crash - not sure if it was dashboard or -runtests or server. plus 5 other changes artifact: c9a65204e4 user: matt
16:22 Closed ticket [b4b74ba80a]: Move testdat.db out of tests dir - it causes much grief plus 5 other changes artifact: 7a0ffa1059 user: matt
05:39 Closed ticket [5e2f270070]: itemwait appears to not be working correctly plus 5 other changes artifact: cbe14a22b8 user: matt
23:57 Closed ticket [000ce7b671]: megatests should confirm tests is a directory before looking for tests plus 5 other changes artifact: 5b5bf4353a user: matt
21:48 New ticket [b68e393028] test2 is not detecting that it can end.. artifact: d97d077bc7 user: matt
16:36 New ticket [06156b8706] -run should put out (optionally?) PASS/FAIL status of tests as they complete. Esp if in -runwait mode. artifact: 29fcc999a1 user: matt
16:25 New ticket [5e2f270070] itemwait appears to not be working correctly. artifact: 4652ecb489 user: matt
15:18 Ticket [7e14611e09] Dashboard too chatty with NFS. Add /tmp/... intermediary status still Open with 5 other changes artifact: 6f440133ba user: matt
14:55 Closed ticket [d1e58306fd]: megatest -runtests %foo% doesn't work plus 5 other changes artifact: af1e7525e6 user: matt
14:54 New ticket [7e14611e09] Dashboard too chatty with NFS. Add /tmp/... intermediary. artifact: 3b8398f167 user: matt
14:47 Closed ticket [f5de13caaa]: Improve command line run listings plus 5 other changes artifact: f1af066517 user: matt
14:45 Closed ticket [63123a5324]: megatest needs to do a cleaner job on exiting when killed plus 5 other changes artifact: 06c59e0166 user: matt
16:25 New ticket [b4b74ba80a] Move testdat.db out of tests dir - it causes much grief. artifact: c8c56a0074 user: matt
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