
All open tickets
Key: Active Review Fixed Tested Deferred Closed
# mtime type status subsystem title
e847db768e 2011-07-15 20:21:50 Feature_Request Open   If no launcher go ahead and use process to put the tests in the background
acab36172b 2011-07-15 20:30:46 Feature_Request Open   Add logging of memory consumption and space in /tmp

These are often the root cause of test problems on shared machines.

1565929e9c 2011-07-15 20:35:15 Feature_Request Open   Add -result value for test or steps to record a result (beyond state and status values)
44c3549dab 2011-11-10 22:25:10 Code_Defect Open   dashboard refresh race condition. last update misses occasionally
630ba8d5a6 2012-04-11 20:29:47 Code_Defect Open   Running a test with pre-dependecies and -itempatt causes forever run
db6c35ee0c 2012-04-20 05:50:00 Code_Defect Open   removal of last item dir not happening in -remove-runs, could be link is not created

Remove runs on test_mt_vars and item 5 will not be deleted

bde7755167 2012-05-03 06:15:18 Feature_Request Open   Need a test to ensure the blocking of completion by tests with failed prerequistes is caught
5f826ec79c 2012-05-25 15:36:45 Feature_Request Open   Set $HOME to test run area by default, allow override in megatest.config
9a9a5b7339 2012-06-27 21:30:07 Feature_Request Open   Ability to dump megatest db to generic format and re-import
894f74c997 2012-10-11 15:56:18 Code_Defect Open   Cannot set test status from commandline for parent of iterated test
f0a99444fd 2013-01-29 21:11:55 Feature_Request Open   Add lock on -remove-runs so new run not started and remove not done on running

Add locking (due to RUNNING etc.) on remove so that can safely remove symlinks

290d262ed3 2013-01-29 21:13:47 Code_Defect Open   megatest -generate-test crashes if script has spaces

[ ] megatest -generate-test [ ] generate test issue - scripts vs. a command line. Look for |, space, quotes, / as signature of # Add additional steps here. Format is "stepname script" [ezsteps] getrepo fsl repo get `echo $TECH|sed 's/^p12/fdk/'` oalibs co_rel (cd oalibs;fsl co $RELEASE) convert Error: (open-output-file) cannot open file - No such file or directory: "../tests/csv_gen/fsl repo get `echo $TECH|sed 's/^p12/fdk/'`"

Call history:
g210219 genexample.scm:240: print genexample.scm:241: print genexample.scm:242: get-environment-variable genexample.scm:242: print genexample.scm:243: get-environment-variable genexample.scm:243: print genexample.scm:244: print genexample.scm:245: print genexample.scm:246: print g245251 genexample.scm:251: conc genexample.scm:251: with-output-to-file genexample.scm:253: print genexample.scm:254: conc genexample.scm:254: with-output-to-file
f93339b7aa 2013-01-29 21:22:31 Feature_Request Open   Launching via http or zmq transport
7a8ae441af 2013-01-29 21:23:25 Feature_Request Open   Per test max concurrent jobs limits
96d8a782e9 2013-02-11 05:46:38 Code_Defect Open   Tests; ezlog_fail, ezlog_warn, logpro_required result in PASS if logpro not avail on PATH
4587f1787b 2013-03-06 20:00:25 Feature_Request Open   convert all the messy environment variable blocks to use call-with-environment-variables
9d45634313 2013-03-26 18:58:29 Feature_Request Open   enhancements request to dashboard
Qns on megatest flow / methodology: 
1.	Turn off option for "Press Any key to continue" while clean/re-running tests in the xterm
1.	If I click execute again (accidentally),  will it re-queue the tests again?
1.	How to get dashboard with only the runs I want to see (only for 73 or 71 eg)
1.	Collapse/uncollapse all tests - option on dashboard required
1.	Checks are sorted order on website dashboard Vs unix dashboard unsorted
* Option to clean and rerun in one step on dashboard
613c71a508 2013-04-17 21:54:43 Feature_Request Open   look at the eval of [system ] blocks and see if it can be done per test/item vs. per test.

look at the eval of [system ] blocks and see if it can be done per test/item vs. per test.

d68357ce8d 2013-05-01 17:17:43 Code_Defect Open   running -test-status to set CHECK in a linked test sets FAIL

../envqa/tests/dumpndiffcdf/main.csh:megatest -test-status : state COMPLETED : status CHECK -setlog cdfdiff_prim/index.html

3d3046b2c2 2013-05-09 23:01:33 Code_Defect Open   Missing escaping in dashboard test selector
"SELECT id,run_id,testname,state,status,event_time,host,cpuload,diskfree,uname,rundir,item_path,run_duration,final_logf,comment FROM tests WHERE run_id=? AND ((testname LIKE '%if %'' AND item_path LIKE '%')) ;"

        Call history:

        db.scm:564: string-intersperse
        tests.scm:100: db:patt->like
        db.scm:560: ##sys#get-keyword
        db.scm:564: g779
        db.scm:566: conc
        db.scm:564: string-intersperse
        tests.scm:101: conc
        tests.scm:104: reverse
        tests.scm:104: append
        tests.scm:104: string-intersperse
        db.scm:796: conc
        db.scm:792: conc
        db.scm:802: debug:print-info
        common_records.scm:58: debug:debug-mode
        db.scm:803: sqlite3#for-each-row <--
b340dd6ecc 2013-07-19 23:27:33 Code_Defect Open   runs and links directories are not found if relative. causes crash
83eb0489cd 2013-07-21 22:20:35 Code_Defect Open   Create area wizard fails to create directory - should detect calculated dirs
Now you need an initial place to store your runs. These are called "disks" and you
can add more at any time. To get going provide a writeable directory name. 
Enter your test runs directory: #{getenv MT_TEST_RUN_AREA}/../runs
WARNING: you have specified a path #{getenv MT_TEST_RUN_AREA}/../runs that does not exist. Attempting to create it...

Error: (create-directory) cannot create directory - File exists: "#{getenv MT_TEST_RUN_AREA}/.."

	Call history:

	genexample.scm:49: read-line	  
	genexample.scm:51: directory?	  
	genexample.scm:57: conc	  
	genexample.scm:57: file-exists?	  
	genexample.scm:68: print	  
	genexample.scm:81: display	  
	genexample.scm:82: read-line	  
	genexample.scm:84: string-split	  
	genexample.scm:84: g25	  
	genexample.scm:84: g25	  
	genexample.scm:87: print	  
	genexample.scm:89: display	  
	genexample.scm:90: read-line	  
	genexample.scm:91: directory?	  
	genexample.scm:93: print	  
	genexample.scm:94: create-directory	  	<--
cea380846b 2013-07-22 01:56:53 Code_Defect Open   Test steps are not being cleared (regression?) when re-running without CLEAN
89c0faa86d 2013-08-05 18:24:21 Code_Defect Open   scheme not evaluating properly in megatest.config
# BEQASCRIPTS #{scheme (print *toppath*)}/scripts
258ecdb207 2013-08-17 06:34:40 Code_Defect Open   Crash in gui going from Run Summary to Run control
Launching /tmp/megatest/tests/fdktestqa/simplelinks/a/bigrun2/a/bigrun/890

Error: (hash-table-ref) hash-table does not contain key
#<hash-table (2)>

	Call history:

	dashboard.scm:1053: iup-base#attribute-set!	  
	dashboard.scm:1055: iup-base#attribute-set!	  
	dashboard.scm:1342: current-milliseconds	  
	dashboard.scm:1389: mutex-lock!	  
	dashboard.scm:1391: mutex-unlock!	  
	dashboard.scm:1381: mutex-lock!	  
	dashboard.scm:1385: mutex-unlock!	  
	dashboard.scm:1388: dashboard:run-update	  
	dashboard.scm:1308: file-modification-time	  
	dashboard.scm:1309: file-modification-time	  
	dashboard.scm:1310: current-seconds	  
	dashboard.scm:1311: dashboard:recalc	  
	dashboard.scm:1296: current-milliseconds	  
	dashboard.scm:1389: mutex-lock!	  
	dashboard.scm:1391: mutex-unlock!	  
	dashboard.scm:813: hash-table-ref	
a9acdc76d4 2013-10-20 17:17:29 Incident Open   monitor job breakage when overloaded
 cat NBFAKE-2013WW42.7_08\:42\:51 

Warning (#<thread: monitor job>): in thread: bad argument type - not a pointer: #f

        Call history:

        db.scm:277: k537          
        db.scm:277: g541          
        tests.scm:729: sqlite3#execute          <--

Error: uncaught exception: #<condition: (exn type)>

        Call history:

        launch.scm:358: thread-join!            <--
58552973a3 2013-11-02 17:08:19 Code_Defect Open   Crash on db access to testdat.db
03dfedbb23 2013-11-04 21:55:15 Code_Defect Open   output from launcher script into mt_launch.log appears to not retain any newlines.
e1c04aa7aa 2013-11-05 16:57:08 Code_Defect Open   Add test for handling corrupted or non-readable testdat.db
71cf4cf1bc 2014-02-13 00:04:26 Code_Defect Open   single step not working
Warning (#<thread: ezstep run single step gencurrgds&g...Warning (#<thread: ezstep run single step gencurrgds>): in thread: unbound variable: run-id
Call history:
fs-transport.scm:42: debug:print-info common_records.scm:60: debug:debug-mode fs-transport.scm:43: db:process-queue-item db.scm:1849: g2314 db.scm:1850: g2318 db.scm:1851: g2322 db.scm:1852: g2326 db.scm:1853: alist-ref db.scm:1855: debug:print-info common_records.scm:60: debug:debug-mode db.scm:1865: debug:print-info common_records.scm:60: debug:debug-mode db.scm:1866: server:reply server.scm:108: debug:print-info common_records.scm:60: debug:debug-mode ezsteps.scm:167: cdb:roll-up-pass-fail-counts <--

shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory 4:58 PM

f1ce13e29b 2014-02-13 17:59:25 Code_Defect Open   setlog crashes if run in wrong directory.
chlr12706> megatest -step showresults -setlog results.html :state end :status 0
shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory

Error: (current-directory) cannot retrieve current directory

        Call history:

        megatest.scm:316: args:get-arg    
        margs.scm:17: hash-table-ref/default      
        megatest.scm:333: args:get-arg    
        margs.scm:17: hash-table-ref/default      
        megatest.scm:348: hash-table-keys         
        megatest.scm:346: lset-intersection       
        megatest.scm:352: setup-for-run   
        launch.scm:422: hash-table?       
        launch.scm:425: args:get-arg      
        margs.scm:17: hash-table-ref/default      
        launch.scm:427: get-environment-variable          
        launch.scm:424: find-and-read-config      
        configf.scm:253: ##sys#get-keyword        
        configf.scm:253: ##sys#get-keyword        
        configf.scm:253: ##sys#get-keyword        
        configf.scm:254: current-directory              <--
chlr12706> cd $PWD
chlr12706> megatest -step showresults -setlog results.html :state end :status 0
48c7b2d605 2014-02-24 05:36:48 Code_Defect Open   crash in single test
[0] http-transport:client-connect -> ("" 8080 #<request> #<request>) 
pid:1559 INFO: (1) Running -runstep, first change to directory /mfs/matt/data/megatest-inmem-with-per-run/tests/fullrun/tmp/mt_links/ubuntu/nfs/none/w08.7.21.45_aa/singletest

Error: (string-split) bad argument type - not a string: #f

        Call history:

        margs.scm:17: hash-table-ref/default      
        megatest.scm:931: args:get-arg    
        margs.scm:17: hash-table-ref/default      
        megatest.scm:934: args:get-arg    
        margs.scm:17: hash-table-ref/default      
        megatest.scm:937: args:get-arg    
        margs.scm:17: hash-table-ref/default      
        megatest.scm:940: args:get-arg    
        margs.scm:17: hash-table-ref/default      
        megatest.scm:946: args:get-arg    
        margs.scm:17: hash-table-ref/default      
        megatest.scm:947: args:get-arg    
        margs.scm:17: hash-table-ref/default      
        megatest.scm:948: conc    
        megatest.scm:952: get-environment-variable        
        megatest.scm:952: string-split          <--
; tracing tasks:server-lock-slot
2661ce8c0f 2014-02-26 23:56:02 Code_Defect Open   uncaught exception on pass/fail roll up for items
Obtained lock for megatest-rollup-pycell_xor.html

... stuff ...

Error: uncaught exception: #<condition: (join-timeout-exception)>
1704fc58bb 2014-03-14 19:27:32 Feature_Request Open   move run directories to trash then remove, clean up trash dir as can
bda469557b 2014-03-14 19:45:03 Feature_Request Open   Add -clean-run-waitons

Need to be able to automatically clean and rerun waitons.

Could also separate where -clean is a switch that modifies -runtests to clean before running.

0b723d1367 2014-03-17 03:49:10 Code_Defect Open   (print (rmt:test-get-records-for-index-file 1 "test1")) => unspecified
INFO: (1) Test exited in state=RUNNING, setting state/status based on exit code of #t and rollup-status of 127

Error: (for-each) bad argument type - not a list: #<unspecified>

        Call history:

        http-transport.scm:274: thread-terminate!         
        http-transport.scm:275: debug:print-info          
        common_records.scm:68: debug:debug-mode   
        http-transport.scm:225: k682      
        http-transport.scm:225: g686      
        rmt.scm:59: db:string->obj        
        db.scm:1749: regex#regexp         
        db.scm:1748: regex#string-substitute      
        db.scm:1747: base64#base64-decode         
        db.scm:1746: with-input-from-string       
        db.scm:1750: s11n#deserialize     
        tests.scm:331: with-output-to-port        
        tests.scm:334: conc             <--
Obtained lock for megatest-rollup-sqlitespeed.html
ca67102876 2014-03-21 21:19:02 Feature_Request Open   Create disk0 if not exists

Optional - make configurable

869d68d8ae 2014-04-17 18:06:10 Feature_Request Open   Add run state and status to display on dashboard - esp STALE
274d1dd1e7 2014-04-25 22:08:12 Feature_Request Open   Expanded tests go to bottom of list

I don't know how the order of tests is decided in the megatest dashboard, but it looks like now expanding a test brings it to the bottom. It didn't used to do that, and I find it a little confusing. If it was not specifically requested by another user, I would recommend leaving the order the same, and just expanding in place.

3599e71a11 2014-05-09 22:47:29 Code_Defect Open   Runs with failed tests showing as running

Runs with failed tests showing as running when a test launches a new megatest instance.

051fdf14a9 2014-05-11 15:11:58 Feature_Request Open   clean-but-keep-logs
173a785ec7 2014-05-11 15:14:13 Feature_Request Open   Add %PRE%, %POST% and config entries to support log file handling (current is xterm only)
d89ce5c251 2014-06-27 23:33:12 Feature_Request Open   Improvements request
e90f784630 2014-09-10 21:41:25 Feature_Request Open   need reporting for catching long running jobs
410ccd8f36 2014-09-24 22:52:41 Code_Defect Open   crash in dashboard when no tests in tests dir.
41bbd050d0 2015-04-30 16:56:12 Code_Defect Open   server stuck issue - user can't work until cleanup-db is run
caa371c882 2015-05-27 11:33:22 Feature_Request Open   runwait should only wait on the tests specified by its testpatt
06156b8706 2015-06-13 22:36:17 Feature_Request Open   -run should put out (optionally?) PASS/FAIL status of tests as they complete. Esp if in -runwait mode
b68e393028 2015-06-14 03:48:26 Code_Defect Open   test2 is not detecting that it can end.
eddf860353 2015-06-24 20:16:22 Code_Defect Open   Dashboard collapse option with first-rime user

I was helping a new user get set up today and I think we hit a first-use behavior in the dashboard. The behavior we noticed is that tests with test items start as expanded, which is fine. I had him select the collapse button and the test in progress collapsed. But as each successive test was populated with test items, that new test was presented as expanded. It appears that if there is nothing to collapse in a test and there is no previous regression using the test, the collapse is not applied.

49481ee087 2015-08-05 00:13:44 Code_Defect Open   Ensure MT_TEST_NAME and MT_ITEM_PATH are visible in testconfig processing
3c3a1b98a2 2015-08-20 14:23:45 Code_Defect Open   Incorrect behavior of section/-var in -show-runconfig
3c517427a3 2015-08-28 15:53:05 Code_Defect Open   Tests with items rolling up to UNKNOWN state

Tests with items are rolling up to UNKNOWN state rather than PASS/FAIL/WARN as applicable.

This is happening with any number of items - I've tried 1 and 15.

a706ae9e4f 2015-08-28 15:57:14 Code_Defect Open   Itemmap handling of %

When using itemmap and mode itemwait, if the mapped item contains a '%' the itemwait is behaving like toplevel - it is not starting the item when its dependencies have been met.


TESTA (waiton TESTB, mode itemwait) ITEM1/fluff ITEM2/fluff TESTB repo/ITEM1 repo/ITEM2

If I use itemmap to convert ITEM1/fluff to %/ITEM1, TESTA/ITEM1/fluff does not start until all items in TESTB are complete.

5c59aae6cc 2015-09-03 04:09:07 Feature_Request Open   Need test mutex
de737b7f90 2015-09-10 17:45:12 Code_Defect Open   megatest not honoring hard coded launcher
51f2557c24 2015-09-23 20:37:26 Feature_Request Open   Provide switch to emit run status of a run
2a890be4f1 2015-09-24 00:06:34 Code_Defect Open   Have observed that hooks fire twice
4b072de97c 2015-10-05 23:19:39 Feature_Request Open   provide means to specify desire to rerun a test/step N times on fail
7abe077381 2015-12-01 18:31:01 Code_Defect Open   dashboard crashes after 5-10 mins

Its the central run dir. Pls let me know if you need more info.

Warning (#<thread: Main loop>): in thread: (finalize!) database is locked: #<sqlite3:statement sql="(5�">

Call history:
db.scm:3181: thread-sleep! db.scm:3182: db:delay-if-busy db.scm:3165: ##sys#get-keyword db.scm:3166: configf:lookup configf.scm:288: hash-table? configf.scm:289: hash-table-ref/default db.scm:3169: db:dbdat-get-path db.scm:3170: db:dbdat-get-db db.scm:3171: conc db.scm:3172: call-with-current-continuation db.scm:3172: with-exception-handler db.scm:3172: ##sys#call-with-values db.scm:3178: file-exists? db.scm:3172: k3877 db.scm:3172: g3881 db.scm:2039: sqlite3#for-each-row <--

Error: uncaught exception: #<condition: (exn sqlite3)>

4e019d7072 2015-12-01 18:37:04 Feature_Request Open   Enhancements requested for megatest

1. capability to select entire row on dashboard 2. Select all visible runs on the dashboard and delete option 3. xterm sourcing setup.csh or some pre-command executed when launched from TCP.

3c7ceb7107 2016-01-29 17:30:19 Code_Defect Open   Megatest dashboard hides some tests when number of tests is large

When I expand a test with many subtests (200), if I use the scrollbar to scroll to the bottom, some tests still do not show up. This is intermittent. Sometimes if I scroll to the top and then back down, it then shows all tests; other times I cannot see the additional tests at all.

4a26d0d54d 2016-02-05 16:57:54 Code_Defect Open   Run data disappears from dashboard

Run data intermittently disappears from the megatest dashboard. It can be recovered by closing the dashboard and reopening it, but "Refresh" does nothing.

676ea51d07 2016-02-25 14:43:21 Feature_Request Open   Support items in a waiton: test1/%foo
c4b292ae45 2016-05-07 19:14:49 Feature_Request Open   Run step from test xterm - or ability to dump testconfig in a copy/paste friendly way
ab7da7f5f0 2016-05-07 19:22:07 Feature_Request Open   access testconfig from gui for editing - tiresome to dig through filesystem
d5640a8cc1 2016-05-09 04:53:20 Code_Defect Open   Finish launch:recover-test or refactor launch:execute to support running with no master mtest process
8ea9b6e119 2016-05-12 04:45:47 Code_Defect Open   deadlock and mutex failure
3699db2b31 2016-06-21 23:07:42 Code_Defect Open   test vacuously "PASS"es if missing ezsteps / setup section

When a testconfig is missing a specification of things to run, eg in [ezsetps] section, the test passes.

II would expect the test to fail since its specification is incomplete.

IIn my case, the error was a typo in spelling "ezsteps", but the test passed whereas it should have failed since the underlying step was actually failing but was masked by this issue.

aa2b3ffab0 2016-06-22 20:57:12 Code_Defect Open   dashboard crashes when clicking on "Run Details" tab

Warning (#<thread: Main loop>): in thread: call of non-procedure: #f

Call history:
dashboard.scm:1853: file-modification-time dashboard.scm:1853: file-modification-time dashboard.scm:1853: file-modification-time dashboard.scm:1853: file-modification-time dashboard.scm:1853: file-modification-time dashboard.scm:1846: k3511 dashboard.scm:1846: g3515 dashboard.scm:1858: file-exists? dashboard.scm:1859: file-modification-time dashboard.scm:1861: current-seconds dashboard.scm:1862: d:alldat-please-update dashboard.scm:1862: d:alldat-last-db-update dashboard.scm:1862: dashboard:recalc dashboard.scm:1863: d:alldat-curr-tab-num dashboard.scm:1871: d:alldat-curr-tab-num dashboard.scm:1889: dashboard:update-new-view-tab <--

Error: uncaught exception: #<condition: (exn type)>

[6] Exit 70 dashboard -rows 25

a926703df5 2016-08-01 21:03:05 Code_Defect Open   ezstep exiting 6 transitions status to "FAIL". Expectation is a transition to status "SKIP"

in my testconfig, I have a step which runs a script having the code "exit 6"

In the test control panel, the Steps table correctly reflects Status=6 for the step.

However, the overall status is "FAIL". I expected "SKIP".

503763b420 2016-08-02 21:55:34 Code_Defect Open   #{get foo} => fails ungracefully (needs message for missing param)
09f81a879a 2016-08-04 23:29:54 Code_Defect Open   Run Summary tab: Need to toggle run selection 3 times to see main pane update to new run

When having multiple runs, when I launch a new run, I click on the new run name that appears on the left pane of the Run Summary tab. The pain pane still shows results for the run that was previously selected. If I reselect the prior run, then select the new run again, it updates properly.

5a2549bc82 2016-08-26 19:59:37 Code_Defect Open   Remove support for db and monitor directory control and improve lt support.
0954ef0fbc 2016-09-02 19:51:52 Code_Defect Open   megatest -list-targets error when no write access to MT_RUN_AREAHOME

In megatest 1.6104 -list-targets attempts to create a symlink, so cannot check targets in another user's area.


61054a5780 2016-09-13 15:24:04 Code_Defect Open   dashboard sort by test name is not sorting by test name

The sort +testname and -testname in dashboard are not sorting testname alphabetically - this should take the itempath into account if it exists.

78b26c37f3 2017-01-13 18:52:17 Code_Defect Open   Dashboard hangs when core count is 32 or 64

For example, plxcm7003.

Hang occurs when switching to dashboard "run" or "run summary" tab

bc11edad89 2017-02-02 20:34:21 Code_Defect Open   add -state and -status to -find-files
fe82fa6b60 2017-02-03 00:57:11 Code_Defect Open   dashboard font missing underscores (_) or widget too small and cuts it off...

In Run tab, when viewing test names on leftmost column, the test names look like they have blank spaces where one would expect underscores. This was not the case in 1.60/29

(marking severe - reported by two users)

7cb1419578 2017-02-03 00:57:53 Code_Defect Open   run tab - cannot resize columns. runnames and targets of long length cannot be distinguished

In the run tab, the width of matrix columns for runs is fixed. If a field value for the target or the run name spans more than ~14 characters, it is cut off.

This could be worked around in v1.60/29 by stretching the entire window horizontally by dragging the right corner out. Since the matrix was bound to the right side, the column widths would scale out. In current version (1.63/05) the matrix is not bound to the left edge, so stretching has no effect.

Marking Severe; reported by end user.

0331ed63d5 2017-02-28 21:54:18 Code_Defect Open   megatest -v returns stack dump after showing help. Expect no stack dump.
7b698cdf7b 2017-03-10 22:14:44 Code_Defect Open   mtutil run crashes
 mtutil run -area ext-tests -target a/b/c/d

Error: (null-list?) bad argument type - not a list: #<hash-table (2)>

        Call history:

        configf.scm:50: hash-table-ref/default
        configf.scm:49: config:assoc-safe-add
        configf.scm:41: ##sys#get-keyword
        configf.scm:42: filter
        configf.scm:43: append
        configf.scm:48: hash-table-set!
        mtut.scm:843: configf:lookup
        configf.scm:416: hash-table?
        configf.scm:417: hash-table-ref/default
        mtut.scm:844: string-split
        mtut.scm:845: hash-table-copy
        mtut.scm:841: ##sys#call-with-values
        mtut.scm:852: command-line->pkt
        mtut.scm:392: current-seconds
        mtut.scm:397: current-user-name
        mtut.scm:410: filter            <--
9f9c407694 2017-04-20 22:42:18 Code_Defect Open   Please enable section creation to be effective without any variables in config files
514327decf 2017-04-21 00:00:45 Code_Defect Open   "misc" "default" and "%: appear in hierarchy widget of Run Control panel. THey shoulod not

Since default and misc and % expand to non-sensical values and are not valid targets for runs, we do not expect to see these as selectable targets in run control panel.

67b54f0b1c 2017-04-24 20:05:06 Feature_Request Open   Finer grained job limit control

I would like to propose a new [setup] option. In addition to max_concurrent_jobs, I would like to see something like max_waiting_jobs that would allow users to limit how many jobs are in the waiting or launched state. This would allow users to run as many jobs as possible, while still holding back the scheduling load of a batch system.

944da29a23 2017-04-24 22:42:09 Code_Defect Open   in run tab: state filter + status filter result in wrong result
0) setup megatest build from tag v1.6407) 
1) under megatest folder, create ext-tests.  Poplulate subdir from megatest_qa fossil using commit d3e9c96dc307d7c941ea973d524adb4b267cbd56 (currently tip at time of writing)
2) Using megatest_qa testsuite, perform two runs, say named "run1" and "run2".  run1 completes first.  All tests in both runs should resolve to COMPLETED/PASS.
3) In run1, manually set tconfdisks/tom/n to RUNNING/PASS
5) in run1, manually set tconfdisks/fred/d to RUNNING/FAIL
6) in run1, manually set tconfdisks/bob/p to COMPLETED/FAIL
7) Make sure "HIDE" mode is selected for filters.
8) select state filter "RUNNING"
9) select status filter "FAIL"

two columns
a. run2 having tconfdisks topeleven and items tom/n and fred/d items as "RUNNING"
b. run1 having tconfdisks toplevel and items tom/n and fred/d as "RUNNING"
c. run1 having tconfdisks item bob/p "FAIL".

item a above is unexpected, since they are in fact COMPLETED/PASS in the database.
item b and c are expected and correct.

c21083ffba 2017-05-30 22:21:03 Code_Defect Open   client abort when server version does not match

current behavior when client version does not match server version is for client to launch another server. net result is a darwinian struggle of multiple version variants of megatest server.

12dfb44595 2017-05-30 22:23:17 Code_Defect Open   add timestamp to items in server logs

motivation - it is hard to debug when a server has gone wrong. this is a feature indented for analysts and developers.

188f74ee68 2017-05-30 22:24:30 Feature_Request Open   When run is removed, update hierarchy widget to delete run

This caused confusion in a customer who did not understand the run indeed was deleted despite persisting in left pane hier browser.

fa12c1f200 2017-05-30 22:26:47 Feature_Request Open   in run summary tab, ability to remove text from cells matrix widget

Desire here is to have a broader view of the run. Not many columns and rows can fit on a single screen. If text were removed, then a cell could be only a few pixels tall and wide, allowing view of much more tests and items. Color is sufficient to indicate status.

A toggle or cyclic pulldown could select "normal" vs "condensed" view.

855c60b695 2017-05-30 22:29:22 Code_Defect Open   freeze column width of matrix widget in run summary tab

In an active run, the run summary matrix view induces headaches in yours truly. The column widths vary wildly from one second to the next. Eg: on second, the column fits width of "REMOTEHOSTSTART" and the next fits "PASS". multiply this delta by # of tests.

69fe6d4e23 2017-06-07 21:42:33 Feature_Request Open   Remove tests from tree in Runs tab when they are removed

I have a test suite with tons of tests. When I did a series of "Clean Tests", I was expecting the list of runs on the left hand side to update to reflect the removed tests. It doesn't refresh until you kill the dashboard and restart it.

e27c06a338 2017-06-22 02:16:11 Code_Defect Open   Crash on migration of target to new target pattern
6cae932a9d 2017-06-25 05:11:14 Code_Defect Open   make NUMTESTS=30 bigrun3 RUNNAME=stress_test003 in tests/fdktestqa/testqa never finishes.
8c972842e9 2017-06-28 03:41:39 Code_Defect Open   a test which results in "zero items" state/status will cause runner process to stop, even though tests which may run and are not dependent on this zero items test are ready to run. they are left dangling.
b99251aaf8 2017-07-12 18:15:08 Feature_Request Open   megatest.csh / can set invalid variables that cause shell to error

In runconfig files, common mistakes like creating a dividing line with ******** or accidentally wrapping a line, eg

yvar /blah/blah -ot foo.4.ot to myvar /blah/blah -ot foo<newline> .4.0t

Result in errors in csh and warnings in bash like ./ line 75: export: `.4.ot=': not a valid identifier

When creating megatest.csh/.sh, lets filter and warn when a env var name is invalid, that is does not begin with an alphabetic

311d767396 2017-07-17 15:01:42 Code_Defect Open   Running list runs in tests directory causes crash
029dec28fe 2017-08-03 23:33:51 Feature_Request Open   potential hazard in contextmenu->rerun; request clean-run-execute in context menu

I think a quick fix would be to add another button to context menu called CleanRunExecute! that does exactly what the test control panel button does and leave ReRun alone; if you dont trust one, or want more speed; choose your own fortune :)

Observations follow:

when i select test->rerun from right click menu in run tab of dashboard, the test doesnt seem to get cleaned before rerun i just noticed that in my crf build.. rerunning didnt clear steps... just ran them again... which looks weird since steps were out of order in test control panel with some #unspecified states

(iup:menu-item (conc "Rerun " item-test-path) #:action (lambda (obj) (common:run-a-command (conc "megatest -set-state-status NOT_STARTED,n/a -run -target " target " -runname " runname " -testpatt " item-test-path " -preclean -clean-cache")))) No Title (iup:menu-item "Run" (iup:menu (iup:menu-item (conc "Rerun " testpatt) #:action (lambda (obj) ;; (print " run-id: " run-id " test-id: " test-id " target: " target " runname: " runname " test-name: " test-name " testpatt: " testpatt "item-path : " item-path) (common:run-a-command (conc "megatest -run -target " target " -runname " runname " -testpatt " testpatt " -preclean -clean-cache") ))) (iup:menu-item "Rerun Complete Run" #:action (lambda (obj) (common:run-a-command (conc "megatest -set-state-status NOT_STARTED,n/a -run -target " target " -runname " runname " -testpatt % " " -preclean -clean-cache")))) all have -preclean

when I do clean-run-execute, it is explicitly cleared before retstarting... that is what guided my expectation

it definitely doesn't kill them... watching the dasboard, I see a running item go from running->launched immediately... with c-r-e, I see it blanking out first

(clean-run-execute (lambda (x) (let ((cmd (conc "megatest -remove-runs -target " keystring " -runname " runname " -testpatt " (conc testname "/" (if (equal? item-path "") "%" item-path)) ";megatest -target " keystring " -runname " runname " -run -preclean -testpatt " (conc testname "/" (if (equal? item-path "") "%" item-path)) " -clean-cache" )))

cre does a remove-runs first... that is the difference i guess

I think there might be some hazard. It ishard to prove... but I can get a test that passes consistently to fail if i rerun while running . In this case, the running test is in the process of a fossil open the respawned one dies with current directory is not within an open checkout


c70c843f96 2017-08-15 21:20:58 Feature_Request Open   One-file megatest setup similar to a Makefile in capability


job1 waitons=job2,job3;\
 logrules=(expect:required ...);\
 runtimlim=1m 5s; \

job1 job2:im1
im1 .*/a \1

be73f72774 2017-08-24 17:41:16 Code_Defect Open   lt link in MT_RUN_AREA_HOME needs to be recreated if linktree changes

If linktree is changed in megatest.config, lt link in MT_RUN_AREA_HOME should be updated to match.

2bf349ad96 2017-09-06 17:42:11 Code_Defect Open   selecting edit testconfig from the context menu in run tab launches vi even though my EDITOR env var is "emacs"
73204f444b 2017-10-17 11:39:42 Feature_Request Open   Need option to auto exit a runner if exact same target/runname/testpatt (or superset) started
24c8995e89 2017-11-29 23:50:39 Code_Defect Open   Run control panel has undefined targets for version 1.65/04

All the target definitions have "runs" in the run tree browser.

4a2ba010ba 2017-12-06 21:42:25 Feature_Request Open   On querying homehost load use exponential backoff if load is high
8b11992f91 2017-12-06 21:43:21 Code_Defect Open   Need protection against bad hosts in lowestload list. Exponential backoff if there is a timeout or very high load.
5f5ca1c39a 2017-12-08 06:25:05 Build_Problem Open   unable to build megatest from vanilla ubuntu system -- some packages fetched during are not present on kiatoa site
d9c4f6e711 2018-05-22 23:30:56 Code_Defect Open   broken wildcard target value binding when value uses [system #{getenv ...

Example problem: from runconfigs.config: [full] ... /.*/ THINGS_LIST [system #{getenv THING_ORACLE_EXE} listem] OKSTUFF hello

% megatest -showrunconfig THINGS_LIST expected_value OKSTUFF hello

% megatest -showrunconfig -target full OKSTUFF hello **THINGS_LIST does not appear**

13680e7907 2018-08-10 17:39:44 Code_Defect Open   Goodtests not starting due to no propagation of PREQ_FAIL
e2b83cfeaf 2018-09-04 19:54:06 Code_Defect Open   toplevel test does not fire when dependent on a failed itemized test and not using -run-wait


5386ffc2b2 2018-11-07 23:11:21 Feature_Request Open   Need mtutil to do "run" with no testpatt spec

If no testpatt spec, then use the TESTPATT from runconfigs.

fabb7405f5 2018-11-08 17:35:40 Code_Defect Open   Variables starting with ! leaking into environment when variable is set for a totally open regex

When a user puts a !FOO variable into an include in the runconfig that matches everything, like /.*/, it appears to match default as well, and when that happens, those variables leak into the environment.

1144efd3b6 2019-07-15 04:48:15 Feature_Request Open   Directive and support for localifying vars in a config
ca896bc63d 2019-07-30 00:12:46 Feature_Request Open   request new state/status
276ad8c9cf 2019-09-05 22:48:36 Code_Defect Open   Need to add ext-tests/mt_vars to the testsuite and fix the MT_TARGET not set issue.
07469a3053 2019-09-12 22:49:20 Code_Defect Open   subrun requires runwait -> give an error is run-wait specified
c4f251d133 2019-10-22 16:12:29 Code_Defect Open   megatest -list-runs % -fields run:target,runname+tests:testname,item_path incorrectly lists steps
5d87c510e8 2019-10-22 17:48:37 Code_Defect Open   Area to area run inheritance
677155e2a6 2020-04-24 22:02:10 Code_Defect Open   With no runconfig Megatest can crash - on no file need to return empty hash, not #f
d68d38f75f 2020-04-25 15:40:38 Feature_Request Open   add -stale, use with run to propagate back STALE so that tests will run again
f7e3277660 2020-05-29 13:14:05 Feature_Request Open   REFDB: add init as an option and add import from sqlite3
cb70b19fa1 2020-05-29 14:17:59 Feature_Request Open   REFDB: add view as option - read a refdb for view only.
7ca381b8ad 2020-05-29 14:18:57 Feature_Request Open   REFDB: for set use append mode rather than read, add, write
57fd79cf36 2020-06-04 16:43:41 Code_Defect Open   fix run removal if targets have been removed

If the target has been removed from the runconfig, the run does not show up in dashboard, and cannot be removed using the dashboard.

adf67e869a 2020-09-23 19:14:09 Code_Defect Open   Crash
e7596943a5 2020-09-23 22:04:47 Code_Defect Open   spurious readonly database crash.
04e5164c68 2020-09-23 22:40:45 Code_Defect Open   Crash
96a9e539f8 2020-10-07 04:53:24 Code_Defect Open   Crash
86662a0273 2020-10-08 20:21:59 Code_Defect Open   Crash
9644eb4ca3 2020-10-30 14:30:32 Code_Defect Open   crash in server.log
ee2c833eaf 2021-02-19 19:16:39 Code_Defect Open   crash on start dashboard
64562cb2cd 2021-02-23 23:49:55 Feature_Request Open   On-startup checks for viable setup.
fbfdb653fd 2021-03-19 18:03:44 Code_Defect Open   v1.65/83 with only one disk0 entry does horrible things ...
bf11e5ecea 2022-03-21 17:01:01 Feature_Request Open   split the pkts in pkts.db into columns

For easier querying and editing, split the content of pkts in the db into columns.

6fdbc6a042 2022-03-21 17:35:37 Feature_Request Open   need a packet cleanup function to prevent pkts.db from getting too big

We need a way to prevent the pkts.db from getting too large. We need a way to remove all pkts that are no longer needed.

99f0cb983c 2022-03-22 13:34:04 Feature_Request Open   mode exclusive needs better user notification
7a2177ff76 2022-03-25 16:54:25 Feature_Request Open   Remove keep feature enhancement: -keep-last-good

For a given target: If the youngest run consists of state=completed, status=<good>, then all older runs in same target can be eliminated.

d3dc03e1c6 2022-03-25 17:14:40 Feature_Request Open   megatest list-test-time update

I am using the megatest -list-test-time command to extract the run time for some regressions under my workarea.

When using the command the run times are provided but it does not seem to filter them out based on run name which makes the data difficult to understand.

In the log file additional test-patts are listed although only one has been specified.

Lastly, the documentation for this command states to use "-run-patt" and -test-patt" as options whic may be outdated.

Command: megatest -list-test-time -target $TARGET -runname my-run -testpatt test1

5442740dfa 2022-03-25 17:19:20 Feature_Request Open   megatest skip: requesting to be able to have multiple rules in a [skip] section or'd together

I think the current behavior in [skip] is to AND together multiple rules. Requesting capability to OR together multiple rules.

I am OK if the default remains AND but have a megatest.config setting or a different section header like [skipany] to implement.

354935ae2b 2022-03-25 18:47:51 Code_Defect Open   runtime limit assigned in runconfigs not being honored

Seeing instances of batch jobs running megatest far exceeding the runtime limit that is in the config. A couple of possible causes: megatest kills the job but the batch system doesn't detect that it's dead megatest does not honor the limit the limit could be getting overriden somewhere else that we're not seeing

65bfe02932 2022-03-25 20:55:39 Code_Defect Open   Megatest not executing some parts of a test

For tests that have a step which is 2 commands joined with an && it's causing problems. The workaround for now is to split the command into two steps.

23bdcb1c3e 2022-04-20 22:28:27 Code_Defect Open   remove-runs removed non-matching extra runs
a2e4022d93 2022-04-26 16:51:32 Feature_Request Open   Enhancement request to configure a test as pre-requisite of all test in a flow

This is a request for an enhancement in megatest to be able to configure a test as a pre-requisite for all the tests within a flow without the need to manually configure the test dependency.

181ee0a581 2022-04-28 17:23:49 Feature_Request Open   megatest -list-runs should allow listing tests without steps if specifying fields

If i run: megatest -list-runs % -target % -fields tests:test_name,item_path

I expect to see only run and test info, not step info

When specifying -fields, step info should only be displayed when steps or +steps is specified.

The desired behavior is consistent with specifying run info in the fields - test info is suppressed then unless tests are specified

# shows runs, tests, and steps

-fields runs:runname+tests:test_name+steps:step_name

# shows runs and tests, no steps:

-fields runs:runname+tests:test_name+item_path

For script automation around -list-runs, it would also be nice if the test output looked like:

Test: cv item_path: c/lpp

Rather than:

Test: cv(c/lpp)

If it needs to be handled with a different dumpmode, that is ok too

5e66375eda 2022-05-02 19:50:09 Feature_Request Open   skip status behavior

skip is intended to short circuit a test

expected behavior:

  • test: stop execution, mark test COMPLETED,SKIP, this is a "passing" status
  • step: stop test execution, mark test COMPLTED,SKIP, this is a "passing" status

need to document use cases, eg how to "skip/short-circuit" a step but keep going

000b351628 2022-05-02 20:01:04 Feature_Request Open   requesting new "stop" behavior

Requesting a new status: COMPLETED/STOP

The expected behavior is that the test stops, and subsequent items do not run.

This is a "soft pass" status color-wise (should not be red/purple)

Suggestion to implement via a [stop] testconfig section similar to [skip]

fe055ad196 2022-05-04 20:49:30 Feature_Request Open   Implement #{getenv VAR alt_result}
590e7b7930 2022-05-04 20:50:29 Code_Defect Open   when step crashes logpro rules do not get applied.
9446af8b68 2022-05-11 15:12:36 Feature_Request Open   mv and rm test run dirs performance
577322c526 2022-05-11 15:17:38 Feature_Request Open   regenerate logpro and scripts if testconfig changes

Need to have a way to regenerate the test logpro and scripts if the testconfig changes in MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/tests/<test name> area.

Not sure if it is necessary to be able to regenerate the files individually for each step.

c58f15f80d 2022-05-20 21:26:06 Code_Defect Open   The message "looking for zombie" is too frequent and or needs context.
73e3742297 2022-05-21 01:35:20 Code_Defect Open   current defaults for free disk space are based on some crazy large corporate needs.
4e12dfbc1b 2022-05-22 02:06:10 Code_Defect Open   Switch default to no local db access
9243f53c6d 2022-06-02 02:24:24 Code_Defect Open   access to remote-conndat needs to be protected against not-yet-set remote.
a5ae5422ab 2022-06-16 15:45:29 Code_Defect Open   trailing space in config section prevents recognition and is hard to detect
5b2cffd17c 2022-06-22 21:35:36 Code_Defect Open   Variables in one target with no value produce "<var>=" in another target's test's env

When a variable is defined in a target earlier in the runconfig file, with no value, like


it appears with the name "MYENVVAR=" in the environment of a test run from a later target in the runconfig. It does not appear when doing megatest -show-runconfig -target <target>

The workaround is to put "" for the value of the var.

0ff1cbfa82 2022-06-24 21:52:19 Feature_Request Open   "dead mans switch" enhancement

Need a megatest "dead man's switch" feature.

When applied, this would mark all pending operations in the database as "canceled" or something along those lines. Any runners calling home would not see any action left to take and exit.

Potentially should take target/runname/testpatt as arguments to filter which items to "cancel"

2c61853004 2022-07-07 20:55:41 Code_Defect Open   incorrect behavior with rerun-all
940b26d681 2022-07-07 22:21:00 Feature_Request Open   override logpro output dir in testconfig

Looking to be able to override the logpro output directory for ezsteps.

Assuming the general functionality is:

step | logpro step.logpro step.html

The ask is to be able to add a testconfig (maybe also runconfig?) setting to redirect the html to a different location:

step | logpro step.logpro <override path>/step.html

cb58710522 2022-07-24 01:17:50 Feature_Request Open   Add filter to dashboard command line
21ff1c38b2 2022-08-02 15:19:11 Code_Defect Open   Starting from clean (no cache in /tmp) the main.db is not always copied
9004c56d24 2022-10-13 21:52:34 Code_Defect Open   runconfigs should be read only once

From Robert: There is a real issue with the time it takes megatest to process runconfigs.

Every #{shell ...} command is processed in every target from every included file even if the target is not the one being run, or a simple -list-targets is given on the command line.

To make matters worse, when running a regression, not only does the main megatest "mtest" call processes runconfigs, so does any server started by the regression run.

And if it takes a LONG time to process the runconfigs, the regression run will spend a lot of time waiting for the server to start. Every single call to megatest, whether its to start the regression, or start a server, or whatever, is subject to the time it takes to process the runconfig files.

The parsing of runconfigs should happen 1 time per session, and the evaluation of value should only happen 1 time and when its needed/used (there should not be a global evaluation of all parameters across all targets unless there is some kind of dump operation occurring).

While I appreciate that there was some original reason/intent for re-parsing the runconfigs the entire process is leading to a substantial performance issues in regression runs. Even if there is a need to re-evaluate a variable value, there should be a means of indicating so, like:

VAR #{eval ...}

Something needs to be done to improve performance of reading the runconfigs.

cd7bd96b45 2022-12-08 00:06:59 Code_Defect Open   variable leakage between tests when using pre-launch-env-vars and include
2223f4fd04 2022-12-13 18:22:58 Code_Defect Open   line ending in \ not working in scripts and # breaks scripts in testconfig
71bc1fd416 2023-01-17 19:41:06 Code_Defect Open   Shell and scheme are evaluated in comments. This is not proving useful. Please disable.
ddecbfdf1d 2023-02-22 19:50:57 Code_Defect Open   Test recovery doesn't seem to be working right
ae9b88b9ac 2023-12-15 16:52:47 Code_Defect Open   crash in remove-runs on highly loaded machine, need exception handler?
d18665ecd9 2024-01-23 21:46:51 Code_Defect Open   testconfig evaluation leaking to other tests.
9506c87ca5 2024-02-04 17:00:36 Code_Defect Open   dashboard crashes in chained-waiton.
aeba047102 2011-07-15 20:03:40 Feature_Request Open   Store vmstat info (extract signature for kernel being forced to swap out)

Store vmstat data to see when the host is running low on memory

vmstat 5 10

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- -----cpu------
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 2  0 107184 13671396 1967828 73863552    0    1     0    33    0    0 18  1 80  1  0
 2  1 107184 13671476 1967828 73863552    0    0     0    22 4346 5371 11  1 88  1  0
 1  0 107184 13669244 1967828 73863552    0    0     0    45 4991 5907 13  1 86  1  0
 2  0 107184 13670680 1967828 73863552    0    0     0   198 4341 5371 11  1 87  1  0
 1  0 107184 13669668 1967828 73863552    0    0     0    32 4910 5509 11  1 87  1  0
 1  0 107184 13670744 1967828 73863552    0    0     0    68 4513 6001 11  1 87  1  0
 4  0 107184 13669328 1967828 73863552    0    0     0    33 5002 5906 11  1 87  1  0
 2  0 107184 13670512 1967828 73863552    0    0     0    40 4495 5793 11  1 87  1  0
 2  0 107184 13671172 1967828 73863552    0    0     0    53 4665 5230 11  1 87  2  0
 2  1 107184 13671704 1967828 73863552    0    0     0    15 4337 4935 11  1 88  1  0
The "so" column should be zero most of the time.
47f1907c8d 2012-10-11 15:47:59 Feature_Request Open   Ability to clean and re-run from a specified test

megatest -run-from test1/item1

cleans all downstream tests and starts run from specified test

5a591737fb 2013-03-07 00:07:35 Code_Defect Open   getenv USER broken, -waive, -rerun
o	Error loading runconfigs that uses #{getenv USER} definition
	Failing to locate targets defined in unloaded runconfigs
o	–show-config => dumps (STDOUT) contents of megatest.config post-processing
o	–show-runconfig [–target <target>] => same but for runconfigs
o	–load <script> => scheme script (exits after execution)
o	–target <target> :runname <runname> -testpatt <testpatt> -waive <comment> -state COMPLETED –status FAIL
o	–target <target> :runname <runname> -set-state-status NOT_STARTED,n/a :state COMPLETED :status FAIL –testpatt %
	make fail_reset/fail_rerun

matt added on 2013-03-07 00:07:35 UTC:
Exact line in runconfigs.config is:

./runconfigs.config:[include ./configs/#{getenv USER}.runconfigs.config]
c5b11a7d4b 2013-03-10 20:17:24 Feature_Request Open   Dashboard not expandable in Y dimension
d4e2e5ab37 2013-04-24 23:21:44 Code_Defect Open   STATE/STATUS logic needs correction. Some transitions are resulting in UNKNOWN

main test still says UNKNOWN If test is WARN, top-level should also be WARN ok. So SKIP is working as expected wrt item, but parent level test status is not correct (UNKNOWN)

Ok. So the rollup is not correct Let me check that.

For parent test, I think the conditions should be: All item PASS, parent PASS All item PASS or SKIP, parent PASS one item WARN, rest PASS/SKIP, parent WARN one item FAIL, parent FAIL one item WAIVED, no fail, parent WAIVED precedence is: FAIL, WARN, CHECK, PASS

The following rules need to apply to megatest for status for parent tests with items
1 FAIL item  parent test FAIL no FAIL, 1 CHECK  parent test CHECK no FAIL, no CHECK, 1 WAIVED  parent test WAIVED no FAIL, no CHECK, no WAIVED, 1 WARN  parent test WARN no FAIL, no CHECK, no WAIVED, no WARN, 1 SKIP  parent test PASS all SKIP  parent test SKIP all PASS  parent test PASS
Precedence order is:
1 corner case:
If all items SKIP, parent is SKIP. So if total number of ITEMS and total number if SKIP match, then parent is SKIP.
SKIP is a lower priority than PASS as it reflects a preemptive cut of a PASS condition (nothing was actually checked/done) whereas PASS implies actual work to QA.

matt added on 2013-04-24 23:21:44 UTC:

      The following rules need to apply to megatest for status for
      parent tests with items

      1 FAIL item                                      parent test FAIL
      no FAIL, 1 CHECK                                 parent test CHECK
      no FAIL, no CHECK, 1 WAIVED                      parent test WAIVED
      no FAIL, no CHECK, no WAIVED, 1 WARN             parent test WARN
      no FAIL, no CHECK, no WAIVED, no WARN, 1 SKIP    parent test PASS
      all SKIP                                         parent test SKIP
      all PASS                                         parent test PASS

      Precedence order is:


      1 corner case:

      If all items SKIP, parent is SKIP. So if total number of ITEMS and
      total number if SKIP match, then parent is SKIP.

      SKIP is a lower priority than PASS as it reflects a preemptive cut
      of a PASS condition (nothing was actually checked/done) whereas PASS
      implies actual work to QA.
36dd7d5d93 2013-07-23 04:06:14 Code_Defect Open   Handling of script creation in test creation wizard is clumsy
Next we need to get the variables and values you wish to iterate this test over (blank for none)
Enter the variable name: EGG_NAME
Enter the space separated list of values for EGG_NAME: matchable readline apropos base64 regex-literals format "regex-case" "test" coops trace csv dot-locking posix-utils posix-extras directory-utils hostinfo tcp rpc csv-xml fmt json md5    
Enter the variable name: 
Hint; use .sh extension on the script names and we'll create placeholder scripts.#<unspecified>#<unspecified>#<unspecified>#<unspecified>

matt added on 2013-07-21 22:32:16 UTC:
More funky wording

Now to enter the one or more steps that make up your test, note; you can add more later
Enter the name for this step (blank to stop):

matt added on 2013-07-23 04:06:14 UTC:
Script name mapping is not handled right. foo -> or ??

Executable bits not set on scripts

61fcbebe9b 2015-03-12 05:52:35 Feature_Request Open   New statuses requested for NOT_STARTED state
61e921f9cf 2015-04-02 03:53:09 Code_Defect Open   kill tests not working well under high NFS load
8ad254b48c 2015-08-26 22:47:17 Feature_Request Open   Support multiple itemmap calls

Please extend itemmap support to support multiple itemmaps.

If more than one itemmmap exists in the [requirements] block, apply them sequentially top-down:


With item: a/b/c

[requirements] ... itemmap [^/]+/ itemmap /.* -happy

Would result in:

b535d2274f 2015-09-08 15:28:49 Code_Defect Open   items not applied across multiple waitons

With multiple waiton dependencies, the items are applied only to the last waiton dep.

4f129ccb57 2015-09-24 20:08:11 Feature_Request Open   Refdb creation (from dat files)

Figured out the minimum requirement to create the sxml files required by gnumeric to open a refdb. This will allow import from csv or direct creation of .dat files

c0fd28b613 2015-09-25 15:55:20 Feature_Request Open   Enhancement to jobgroups handling in testconfig

The jobgroup setting in testconfig is currently defined in [test_meta] and does not do any variable interpolation.

The enhancement request is to add capability to set jobgroup when a test item is created so that variables set in [items] or [itemstable] are available.

342a2ed62f 2015-10-21 20:50:43 Code_Defect Open   megatest -list-runs does not filter on state/status

megatest -list-runs % -state COMPLETED -status FAIL,CHECK does not filter on state/status

f4e387e432 2015-12-03 22:42:56 Feature_Request Open   Update test info in megatest output

Requesting a changed to how megatest outputs tests to run

c84a3625f1 2016-02-25 14:36:52 Feature_Request Open   Set test environment automatically in xterm

From a test window in dashboard we can click the "Start Xterm" button to bring up an xterm in the test run directory.

Would like to see this xterm have the environment for the test run automatically set.

ed4b1d7221 2016-05-09 03:54:11 Code_Defect Open   -run should output test results as they complete and a summary on completion of the run
dbaf0cc7fc 2016-05-09 04:00:43 Feature_Request Open   Overriding config values on commandline
megatest -set-mvals setup::max_concurrent_jobs=20,server::timeout=0.1 -set-rvals p1271/6/r2.3/iftag::FDKSETUP=’ fdk71 cfdk71.6_r2.3 qa -ot iftag.ot’

-set-mvals is megatest.config overrides
-set-rvals is runconfigs.config overrides

Syntax is:



1.	No commas, ever.
2.	No equals, ever.
3.	No double colons, ever.
4.	Values get applied once, we have to decide when.

8179e10483 2016-08-30 15:32:57 Code_Defect Open   refdb: set appends changes but does not replace

refdb set command does not replace existing lines in the .dat file when updating existing keys:

refdb set db row col data

[] [col] row data


refdb set db row col data [] [col] row data row data

0bdc2f3f8f 2016-08-30 15:34:09 Code_Defect Open   refdb: set does not create sxml files if refdb dir is new

creating a new refdb with "refdb set" does not create the required sxml files to be able to open the new refdb via "refdb edit"

3c090ef0ad 2016-08-31 18:10:11 Code_Defect Open   megatest commands require iup/DISPLAY

Non-dashboard megatest commands are requiring DISPLAY to be set

3a3df6dc1f 2016-10-17 17:50:17 Feature_Request Open   megatest should not report COMPLETED/UNKNOWN

Megatest is on occasion getting into the state/status COMPLETED/UNKNOWN

77d284a3e8 2017-02-03 01:01:34 Code_Defect Open   on test control panel, changing state to "waived" does not work

changing status from fail to pass works changing status from fail to waived brings up the waive dialog, but on "apply and close" click, the message "Error: in callback: unbound variable: rmt:test-set-state-status-by" appears on the console, and dialog does not close. status does not change.

54821b6db6 2017-02-10 00:59:36 Code_Defect Open   "make PREFIX=/some/where" install only installs megatest binary (and not, for example, dashboard)
622b1b6a0e 2017-04-04 00:05:24 Code_Defect Open   when removing runs, stack dump at end of (long) log

Following from xterm popped up from deleting runname 164am: (accessed by right clicking on a test in this run on dashboard->run->clean complete run

INFO: (1) Recursively removing /nfs/pdx/disks/icf_env_disk001/bjbarcla/gwa/issues/mtdev/randy-slow/reproduce/qa/libanabeqa/links/p1275/2/PDK_r2.0/libana/164am/oalib_propbag_diff

Error: (directory) cannot open directory - No such file or directory: "/nfs/pdx/disks/icf_env_disk001/bjbarcla/gwa/issues/mtdev/randy-slow/reproduce/qa/libanabeqa/links/p1275/2/PDK _r2.0/libana/164am/oalib_propbag_diff"

Call history:
common_records.scm:224: debug:debug-mode common_records.scm:225: port? common_records.scm:225: with-output-to-port runs.scm:1903: file-exists? runs.scm:1905: debug:print-info common_records.scm:224: debug:debug-mode common_records.scm:225: port? common_records.scm:225: with-output-to-port runs.scm:1906: file-exists? runs.scm:1907: runs:safe-delete-test-dir runs.scm:1662: directory-utils#directory-fold directory-utils.scm:128: ##sys#get-keyword directory-utils.scm:130: type-checks#check-procedure directory-utils.scm:132: check-directory directory-utils.scm:79: directory? directory-utils.scm:132: directory <--
6606a69c0a 2017-04-24 22:25:48 Code_Defect Open   Megatest status rollup for test with items

If a test has items, requesting update to the state/status of the top-level test to roll up.

88707d778c 2017-06-01 04:39:53 Code_Defect Open   Inconsistent naming of server log files, sometimes includes pid, sometimes not
6abf4531ea 2017-08-03 19:56:50 Feature_Request Open   Add capability to override default testpatt var

Current behavior in megatest is to look in runconfig for a TESTPATT setting if a testpatt is not specified on the command line.

This request is to enhance the behavior to add a -testpattvar parameter that takes a runconfig setting name to use for the default testpatt.

The testpattvar should be an optional argument that defaults to TESTPATT.

Sample usage: megatest -run -runname foo -target foo/bar -testpattvar FOOPATT.

827909e4da 2017-09-05 23:21:49 Code_Defect Open   dashboard running on non-homehost with large db can hang

I have observed that if you are running dashboard on a non-homehost it will work until the database size reaches some threshold, at which point it will freeze. When restarting, it immediately freezes. I suspect the database size is the critical dimension -- syncing likely takes longer than the action loop in dashboard.

In the instance I see it, the megatest.db size is 5.4M with 4k tests and 11 runs.

Running dashboard on homehost, there is no issue at all and dashboard responds very quickly.

Here is the console log from dashboard when we see the freezing issue:

Checking for user runconfigs config ... WARNING lefkowit.runconfigs.config file ...doesn't exist do this if you care ### Add custom targets/overrides to global targets here to ./configs/lefkowit.runconfigs.config

Checking for required/common linktree path: /p/fdk/gwa/lefkowit/qa/libanaacatqa/links ... exists /p/fdk/gwa/lefkowit/qa/libanaacatqa/links Defined disks: ------------------------------------ exists /p/fdk/gwa/lefkowit/qa/libanaacatqa/runs ------------------------------------ Checking if megatest variables are already defined ... STARTING DASHBOARD ... WARNING: Current policy requires running dashboard on homehost: ( . #f) INFO: Trying to start server (megatest -server -m testsuite:libanaacatqa) ... INFO: (0) Starting server on, logfile is /nfs/pdx/disks/ch_icf_megatest_001/lefkowit/mtTesting/megatestqa/libanaacatqa/logs/server.log #====================================================================== # NBFAKE logging command to: /nfs/pdx/disks/ch_icf_megatest_001/lefkowit/mtTesting/megatestqa/libanaacatqa/logs/server.log # megatest -server -m testsuite:libanaacatqa #====================================================================== WARNING: problem with directory /p/fdk/gwa/lefkowit/fossil/ext/acatqa_ext/trunk/tests, dropping it from tests path WARNING: problem with directory /nfs/pdx/disks/ch_icf_megatest_001/lefkowit/mtTesting/megatestqa/relqa/tests, dropping it from tests path WARNING: problem with directory /nfs/pdx/disks/ch_icf_megatest_001/lefkowit/mtTesting/megatestqa/libanaacatqa/tests, dropping it from tests path NOTE: updates are taking a long time, 3.0s elapsed. NOTE: increasing poll interval from 1000 to 2000 NOTE: updates are taking a long time, 3.0s elapsed. NOTE: increasing poll interval from 2000 to 4000 NOTE: updates are taking a long time, 3.0s elapsed. NOTE: increasing poll interval from 4000 to 8000 NOTE: updates are taking a long time, 3.0s elapsed. NOTE: increasing poll interval from 8000 to 16000 NOTE: updates are taking a long time, 3.0s elapsed. NOTE: increasing poll interval from 16000 to 32000 NOTE: updates are taking a long time, 3.0s elapsed. NOTE: increasing poll interval from 32000 to 64000 NOTE: updates are taking a long time, 3.0s elapsed. NOTE: increasing poll interval from 64000 to 128000 NOTE: updates are taking a long time, 3.0s elapsed. NOTE: increasing poll interval from 128000 to 256000 NOTE: updates are taking a long time, 3.0s elapsed. NOTE: increasing poll interval from 256000 to 512000 ... NOTE: increasing poll interval from 1125899906842624000 to 2251799813685248000 NOTE: updates are taking a long time, 3.0s elapsed. NOTE: increasing poll interval from 2251799813685248000 to 4503599627370496000 NOTE: updates are taking a long time, 3.0s elapsed.

Call history:
db.scm:1972: call-with-current-continuation db.scm:1972: with-exception-handler db.scm:1972: ##sys#call-with-values db.scm:1972: k3436 db.scm:1972: g3440 dashboard.scm:795: current-seconds dashboard.scm:798: dboard:tabdat-allruns-by-id dashboard.scm:798: hash-table-set! dashboard.scm:803: debug:print common_records.scm:131: debug:debug-mode common_records.scm:132: with-output-to-port dashboard.scm:804: iup-base#attribute dashboard.scm:805: floor dashboard.scm:3551: k7615 dashboard.scm:3551: g7619 dashboard.scm:3551: print-call-chain <-- inexact number cannot be represented as an exact number Callback error in dashboard:runs-tab-updater Full condition info: ((exn (location inexact->exact) (call-chain (#(db.scm:1978: loop #f #f) #(db.scm:1978: loop #f #f) #(db.scm:1978: loop #f #f) #(db.scm:1972: call-with-current-continuation #f #f) #(db.scm:1972: with-exception-handler #f #f) #(db.scm: 1972: ##sys#call-with-values #f #f) #(db.scm:1972: k3436 #f #f) #(db.scm:1972: g3440 #f #f) #(dashboard.scm:795: current-seconds #f #f) #(dashboard.scm:798: dboard:tabdat-allruns-by-id #f #f) #(dashboard.scm:798: hash-table-set! #f # f) #(dashboard.scm:803: debug:print #f #f) #(common_records.scm:131: debug:debug-mode #f #f) #(common_records.scm:132: with-output-to-port #f #f) #(dashboard.scm:804: iup-base#attribute #f #f) #(dashboard.scm:805: floor #f #f))) (arg uments (9.00719925474099e+18)) (message inexact number cannot be represented as an exact number)) (type)) NOTE: updates are taking a long time, 3.0s elapsed. <stack dump repeats regularly, probably in the dashboard event loop>
e738e6ea4a 2018-05-29 15:54:03 Feature_Request Open   Enhancement request from Paritosh

Hi, 1) Graphical representation of data will be very useful to increase productive 2) megatest enhancement which when one runs on a functional area shows graphically checks, fails, pass waivers 3) Then a deep dive graphical representation 4) megatest enhancement to show diff graphically mathematically between two different runs or kits (target1 run1 , target2 run2)

3) Kit health a. Number of waived test-items to start with. Percentage of waived testitems will be a very basic metric of kit health b. We should have infrastructure (some code) which will present us with Kit Health from highest level to lowest level of details for example i. At highest level it can give just percentage of waived ii. Also it can give diff wrt last kit released and improvement since then in some metric it will be nice iii. At lower level if we click on the graphs on waived section it should go into that part in details 1) e.g. waived should show % wrt tests like icv_lvs icv_drc etc 2) If we click on icv_drc it should show all tsetcases having issues 3) Another type of click on icv_drc should also show summary of different failing sub flows 4) All of above should be quantified c. This all should be done all functional areas i. Ofcourse many/most factors are different for all areas ii. I think we should have a excel sheet where users can input various factors and then use it to build graphs and , quantify results iii. Things should be quantified over functional areas and then over the entire kit (maths) iv. I think we should have a idea what we are aiming not just in English but numbers and then see where we reach what we miss d. Numbers will I guess make more sense over time than English

c2bd3c6dac 2019-09-13 17:37:43 Code_Defect Open   Subruns launched as -rerun-clean get stuck.
d72d18e032 2020-10-18 15:22:49 Feature_Request Open   Convert debug:* to macros so that the params are not evaluated if debug level not matched.
2102f85b7e 2021-07-08 18:26:23 Code_Defect Open   typo in any testconfig affects top level environment

If a test in the test list for a run has a typo like "items]" instead of "[items]" (missing bracket) it causes an env check to fail at the top level (precheck test) megatest.csh will contain "#setenv items]", and precheck will flag an illegal env var.

4f03f24004 2022-02-09 21:55:12 Feature_Request Open   New -list-runs mode (eg -dumpmode shell)

Requesting a new -dumpmode option for -list-runs, -dumpmode shell

Purpose is to provide parseable output to include in shell scripts.

028d5ebf87 2022-07-18 15:44:48 Code_Defect Open   Too many open files
5076ec4e7b 2022-12-07 23:39:44 Feature_Request Open   Need pre and post test support
524f79ef0d 2023-11-01 22:10:51 Feature_Request Open   default logpro in testconfig

Requesting a default logpro section in testconfig. For a step, if there is no <step>.logpro

beea22d42a 2015-04-02 04:18:10 Code_Defect Open   Improve deletion of tests
6a4329c9c6 2015-04-02 04:28:32 Code_Defect Open   removing tests using state/status FAIL where some items are FAIL and some are PASS also removes PASS items

That is a tough one. It seems it could be considered a bug in Megatest. I’m treating a toplevel test in the same way as I’m treating items and non-itemized tests. What I need to do is not apply the remove to the FAIL toplevel if there are any non-fail items. This will be a bit tough and I’d like to wait until 1.60 to fix it.

b8146992f5 2022-10-31 16:24:08 Feature_Request Open   change logfile location for REMOVING/LOCKED trigger

Triggers log output via nbfake to $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR. This behavior works great for most triggers, but for REMOVING/ triggers $MT_TEST_RUN_DIR is being deleted.

Requesting for REMOVING/ triggers to log output to $MT_RUN_AREA_HOME/logs