
Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: e94703eae433d50c6c99afcd698658b03f3506b8
Ticket: 64562cb2cd61a9f8cb4c729ca9c3cc672c07881e
On-startup checks for viable setup.
User & Date: matt on 2021-02-23 16:49:55

  1. icomment:
    I would like an enhancement to megatest:
    A)	A setting under megatest.config that allows the definition
    of a pre-execution script/hook/whatever that will run early
    on under a minimal megatest environment (i.e. has MT_* vars
    defined). For example:
    before_start  = <script & options to call before regression start>
    before_launch = <script & options to call before test launch>
    after_launch  = <script & options to call after test launch>
    You get the idea. The script may be the same in all cases, just with
    options to identify the "phase/context" its being called under, for
    before_start  = checkit.rb --start --pre
    before_launch = checkit.rb --launch --pre
    after_launch  = checkit.rb --launch --post
    It doesn't really matter, just so long as the script is designed
    and allowed to return logpro-style exit codes (0, 2, 3, 4, 5), and
    print text to stdout that will be captured by megatest for display.
    The [checks] section should allow for easy extension of other additional
    check hooks over time if necessary.
    B)	A method in megatest GUI to pop-up a dialog box with the text printed
    by the script, the error code reported (unless its PASS or WARN), that
    requires the user to click either "I'll fix it", or "Proceed".
    C)	The results of any check script should appear under logs/ using the
    same name as the check, for example: logs/before_start.log. Since the
    checks are done on a per-execution basis, any new execution will overwrite
    existing logs, so users need to deal with the issue recorded before
    running again (and overwriting the logs).
    D)	in non-GUI mode when running megatest from the command line, any result
    other than PASS/WARN should cause megatest to stop execution unless the
    user decides to rerun with the -proceed option (which is a fallback
    override in case the check scripts have problems). But even so, if they
    decide on this options it will be very clear to user and to us that they
    have done so despite the reported problems.
  2. login: "matt"
  3. mimetype: "text/plain"
  4. severity changed to: "Important"
  5. status changed to: "Open"
  6. title changed to: "On-startup checks for viable setup."
  7. type changed to: "Feature_Request"