
Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: bb6117eaeebc710a0fd2072bf9a77c08ee072c3c
Ticket: 6e26106a1c2c10669e9c74748a6067309df48474
megatest -import-megatest.db fails on read-only database.
User & Date: jmoon18 on 2019-06-18 16:13:36

  1. comment changed to:
    From another user on a read-only database:
    plxck3045> megatest -import-megatest.db 
    INFO: (0) Records count before clean: 505131
    Error: with-transaction: uncaught exception: #f
    Error: (step!) attempt to write a readonly database: #<sqlite3:statement sql="DELETE FROM tests WHERE run_id in (SELECT id FROM runs WHERE state='deleted') and last_update < 1560809468.0;">
            Call history:
            db.scm:1758: sqlite3#prepare      
            db.scm:1757: g3151        
            db.scm:1758: sqlite3#prepare      
            db.scm:1757: g3151        
            db.scm:1758: sqlite3#prepare      
            db.scm:1757: g3151        
            db.scm:1758: sqlite3#prepare      
            db.scm:1757: g3151        
            db.scm:1758: sqlite3#prepare      
            db.scm:1780: sqlite3#with-transaction     
            db.scm:1783: sqlite3#for-each-row         
            db.scm:1784: debug:print-info     
            common_records.scm:235: debug:debug-mode          
            common_records.scm:236: port?     
            common_records.scm:236: with-output-to-port       
            db.scm:1786: g3179              <--
  2. foundin changed to: "v1.6530"
  3. login: "jmoon18"
  4. private_contact changed to: "bed011348e74e6fdf4825cd6bb9652c7d819dba5"
  5. severity changed to: "Important"
  6. status changed to: "Open"
  7. title changed to:
    megatest -import-megatest.db fails on read-only database.
  8. type changed to: "Code_Defect"