
Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: b03d173bc26a3e23abf0c56678b3ac60952c3225
Ticket: 181ee0a58191aa694f1c164130643b54fc93e5b0
megatest -list-runs should allow listing tests without steps if specifying fields
User & Date: jmoon18 on 2022-04-28 11:23:49

  1. comment changed to:
    If i run: megatest -list-runs % -target % -fields tests:test_name,item_path
    I expect to see only run and test info, not step info
    When specifying -fields, step info should only be displayed when steps or +steps is specified.
    The desired behavior is consistent with specifying run info in the fields - test info is suppressed then unless tests are specified
    # shows runs, tests, and steps
    -fields runs:runname+tests:test_name+steps:step_name
    # shows runs and tests, no steps:
    -fields runs:runname+tests:test_name+item_path
    For script automation around -list-runs, it would also be nice if the test output looked like:
      Test: cv item_path: c/lpp
    Rather than: 
      Test: cv(c/lpp)
    If it needs to be handled with a different dumpmode, that is ok too
  2. foundin changed to: "1.65/91"
  3. login: "jmoon18"
  4. private_contact changed to: "bed011348e74e6fdf4825cd6bb9652c7d819dba5"
  5. severity changed to: "Minor"
  6. status changed to: "Open"
  7. title changed to:
    megatest -list-runs should allow listing tests without steps if specifying fields
  8. type changed to: "Feature_Request"