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12:58 New ticket [9d45634313] enhancements request to dashboard. artifact: fc3e802ed4 user: matt

Ticket Hash: 9d45634313fec07dadc95957f89271247e606ba8
Title: enhancements request to dashboard
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2013-03-26 12:58:29
Version Found In: v1.54
Qns on megatest flow / methodology: 
1.	Turn off option for "Press Any key to continue" while clean/re-running tests in the xterm
1.	If I click execute again (accidentally),  will it re-queue the tests again?
1.	How to get dashboard with only the runs I want to see (only for 73 or 71 eg)
1.	Collapse/uncollapse all tests - option on dashboard required
1.	Checks are sorted order on website dashboard Vs unix dashboard unsorted
* Option to clean and rerun in one step on dashboard