
Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 94afcbdf285c5946ed6b666c4c841e1545a8985a
Ticket: 944da29a239a26f0f02419903377938a64f77352
in run tab: state filter + status filter result in wrong result
User & Date: bjbarcla on 2017-04-24 16:42:09

  1. comment changed to:
    0) setup megatest build from tag v1.6407) 
    1) under megatest folder, create ext-tests.  Poplulate subdir from megatest_qa fossil using commit d3e9c96dc307d7c941ea973d524adb4b267cbd56 (currently tip at time of writing)
    2) Using megatest_qa testsuite, perform two runs, say named "run1" and "run2".  run1 completes first.  All tests in both runs should resolve to COMPLETED/PASS.
    3) In run1, manually set tconfdisks/tom/n to RUNNING/PASS
    5) in run1, manually set tconfdisks/fred/d to RUNNING/FAIL
    6) in run1, manually set tconfdisks/bob/p to COMPLETED/FAIL
    7) Make sure "HIDE" mode is selected for filters.
    8) select state filter "RUNNING"
    9) select status filter "FAIL"
    two columns
    a. run2 having tconfdisks topeleven and items tom/n and fred/d items as "RUNNING"
    b. run1 having tconfdisks toplevel and items tom/n and fred/d as "RUNNING"
    c. run1 having tconfdisks item bob/p "FAIL".
    item a above is unexpected, since they are in fact COMPLETED/PASS in the database.
    item b and c are expected and correct.
  2. foundin changed to: "v1.6407"
  3. login: "bjbarcla"
  4. private_contact changed to: "29ed46db8d4de98c50ec7c8a4e409afe3f661bb6"
  5. severity changed to: "Important"
  6. status changed to: "Open"
  7. title changed to:
    in run tab: state filter + status filter result in wrong result
  8. type changed to: "Code_Defect"