
Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 722560204500c0063cc691026100d4688279715b
Ticket: 69fe6d4e233bb6fbbe9742a836ff0b25b0cf6d9a
Remove tests from tree in Runs tab when they are removed
User & Date: jmoon18 on 2017-06-07 15:42:33

  1. comment changed to:
    I have a test suite with tons of tests.  When I did a series of "Clean Tests", I was expecting the list of runs on the left hand side to update to reflect the removed tests.  It doesn't refresh until you kill the dashboard and restart it.
  2. foundin changed to: "1.6418"
  3. login: "jmoon18"
  4. private_contact changed to: "bed011348e74e6fdf4825cd6bb9652c7d819dba5"
  5. severity changed to: "Cosmetic"
  6. status changed to: "Open"
  7. title changed to:
    Remove tests from tree in Runs tab when they are removed
  8. type changed to: "Feature_Request"