
Ticket Change Details

Artifact ID: 48106fe1672ceb680f25bd04515def81bda4537b
Ticket: 3e667e96cc84702134669712d239ef93ff29895a
Removal of a tests directory causes the test control panel to crash
User & Date: mrwellan on 2012-11-21 15:42:24

  1. comment changed to:
    EXCEPTION: database probably overloaded?
      no such table: test_steps
            Call history:
            db.scm:246: sqlite3#make-busy-timeout
            db.scm:249: sqlite3#set-busy-handler!
            db.scm:256: debug:print-info
            common_records.scm:58: debug:debug-mode
            db.scm:1540: sqlite3#for-each-row
            db.scm:92: k384
            db.scm:92: g388
            db.scm:96: debug:print
            common_records.scm:51: debug:debug-mode
            common_records.scm:52: with-output-to-port
            db.scm:97: condition-property-accessor
            db.scm:97: g392
            db.scm:97: debug:print
            common_records.scm:51: debug:debug-mode
            common_records.scm:52: with-output-to-port
            db.scm:98: print-call-chain             <--
  2. foundin changed to: "v1.52"
  3. severity changed to: "Severe"
  4. status changed to: "Open"
  5. title changed to:
    Removal of a tests directory causes the test control panel to crash
  6. type changed to: "Code_Defect"