
datashare.scm at [5cdc4cd6d0]

File datashare.scm artifact ee9522478a part of check-in 5cdc4cd6d0

;; Copyright 2006-2013, Matthew Welland.
;;  This program is made available under the GNU GPL version 2.0 or
;;  greater. See the accompanying file COPYING for details.
;;  This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the

(use ssax)
(use sxml-serializer)
(use sxml-modifications)
(use regex)
(use srfi-69)
(use regex-case)
(use posix)
(use json)
(use csv)
(use srfi-18)
(use format)

(require-library iup)
(import (prefix iup iup:))
(require-library ini-file)
(import (prefix ini-file ini:))

(use canvas-draw)
(import canvas-draw-iup)

(use sqlite3 srfi-1 posix regex regex-case srfi-69)
(import (prefix sqlite3 sqlite3:))

(declare (uses configf))
(declare (uses tree))
;; (declare (uses dcommon))
;; (declare (uses margs))
;; (declare (uses launch))
;; (declare (uses gutils))
;; (declare (uses db))
;; (declare (uses synchash))
;; (declare (uses server))
;; (declare (uses megatest-version))
;; (declare (uses tbd))

(include "megatest-fossil-hash.scm")

(define *datashare:current-tab-number* 0)
(define datashare:help (conc "Usage: datashare [action [params ...]]

Note: run datashare without parameters to start the gui.

  publish <area> <key> [group]        : Publish data to share, use group to protect (i)
  get <area> <key> [destpath]         : Get a link to data, put the link in destpath (ii)
  update <area> <key>                 : Update the link to data to the latest iteration.

(i)  Uses group ownership of files to be published for group if not specified
(ii) Uses local path or looks up script to find path in configs

Part of the Megatest tool suite. Learn more at

Version: " megatest-fossil-hash)) ;; "


;; make-vector-record "testing" datastore pkg id area version_name store_type copied source_path iteration submitter datetime storegrp datavol quality disk_id comment
;; testing
(define (make-datastore:pkg)(make-vector 14))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-get-id             vec)    (vector-ref  vec 0))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-get-area           vec)    (vector-ref  vec 1))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-get-version_name   vec)    (vector-ref  vec 2))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-get-store_type     vec)    (vector-ref  vec 3))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-get-copied         vec)    (vector-ref  vec 4))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-get-source_path    vec)    (vector-ref  vec 5))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-get-iteration      vec)    (vector-ref  vec 6))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-get-submitter      vec)    (vector-ref  vec 7))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-get-datetime       vec)    (vector-ref  vec 8))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-get-storegrp       vec)    (vector-ref  vec 9))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-get-datavol        vec)    (vector-ref  vec 10))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-get-quality        vec)    (vector-ref  vec 11))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-get-disk_id        vec)    (vector-ref  vec 12))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-get-comment        vec)    (vector-ref  vec 13))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-set-id!            vec val)(vector-set! vec 0 val))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-set-area!          vec val)(vector-set! vec 1 val))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-set-version_name!  vec val)(vector-set! vec 2 val))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-set-store_type!    vec val)(vector-set! vec 3 val))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-set-copied!        vec val)(vector-set! vec 4 val))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-set-source_path!   vec val)(vector-set! vec 5 val))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-set-iteration!     vec val)(vector-set! vec 6 val))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-set-submitter!     vec val)(vector-set! vec 7 val))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-set-datetime!      vec val)(vector-set! vec 8 val))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-set-storegrp!      vec val)(vector-set! vec 9 val))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-set-datavol!       vec val)(vector-set! vec 10 val))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-set-quality!       vec val)(vector-set! vec 11 val))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-set-disk_id!       vec val)(vector-set! vec 12 val))
(define-inline (datastore:pkg-set-comment!       vec val)(vector-set! vec 13 val))

;; DB

(define (datashare:initialize-db db)
   (lambda (qry)
     (sqlite3:execute db qry))
    "CREATE TABLE pkgs 
         (id           INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
          area         TEXT,
          version_name TEXT,
          store_type   TEXT DEFAULT 'copy',
          copied       INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
          source_path  TEXT,
          iteration    INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
          submitter    TEXT,
          datetime     TIMESTAMP DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),
          storegrp     TEXT,
          datavol      INTEGER,
          quality      TEXT,
          disk_id      INTEGER,
          comment      TEXT);"
    "CREATE TABLE refs
         (id        INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
          pkg_id    INTEGER,
          destlink  TEXT);"
    "CREATE TABLE disks
         (id         INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
          storegrp   TEXT,
          path       TEXT);")))

(define (datashare:register-data db area version-name store-type submitter quality source-path comment)
  (let ((iter-qry       (sqlite3:prepare db "SELECT max(iteration) FROM pkgs WHERE area=? AND version_name=?;"))
	(next-iteration 0))
     (lambda ()
	(lambda (iteration)
	  (if (and (number? iteration)
		   (>= iteration next-iteration))
	      (set! next-iteration (+ iteration 1))))
	iter-qry area version-name)
       ;; now store the data
       (sqlite3:execute db "INSERT INTO pkgs (area,version_name,iteration,store_type,submitter,source_path,quality,comment) 
                                 VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);"
			area version-name next-iteration (conc store-type) submitter source-path quality comment)))
    (sqlite3:finalize! iter-qry)
(define (datashare:get-pkg-record db area version-name iteration)

;; Create the sqlite db
(define (datashare:open-db configdat) 
  (let ((path (configf:lookup configdat "database" "location")))
    (if (and path
	     (directory? path)
	     (file-read-access? path))
	(let* ((dbpath    (conc path "/datashare.db"))
	       (writeable (file-write-access? dbpath))
	       (dbexists  (file-exists? dbpath))
	       (handler   (make-busy-timeout 136000)))
	     (debug:print 2 "ERROR: problem accessing db " dbpath
			  ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
	   (set! db (sqlite3:open-database dbpath)))
	  (if *db-write-access* (sqlite3:set-busy-handler! db handler))
	  (if (not dbexists)
		(datashare:initialize-db db)))
	(print "ERROR: invalid path for storing database: " path))))

(define (open-run-close-exception-handling proc idb . params)
   (let ((sleep-time (random 30))
         (err-status ((condition-property-accessor 'sqlite3 'status #f) exn)))
     (case err-status
        (thread-sleep! sleep-time))
        (print "EXCEPTION: database overloaded or unreadable.")
        (print " message: " ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'message) exn))
        (print "exn=" (condition->list exn))
        (print " status:  " ((condition-property-accessor 'sqlite3 'status) exn))
        (thread-sleep! sleep-time)
        (print "trying db call one more time....this may never recover, if necessary kill process " (current-process-id) " on host " (get-host-name) " to clean up")))
     (apply open-run-close-exception-handling proc idb params))
   (apply open-run-close-no-exception-handling proc idb params)))

(define (open-run-close-no-exception-handling  proc idb . params)
  ;; (print "open-run-close-no-exception-handling START given a db=" (if idb "yes " "no ") ", params=" params)
  (let* ((db (cond
	      ((sqlite3:database? idb)     idb)
	      ((not idb)                   (print "ERROR: cannot open-run-close with #f anymore"))
	      ((procedure? idb)            (idb))
	      (else                        (print "ERROR: cannot open-run-close with #f anymore"))))
	 (res #f))
    (set! res (apply proc db params))
    (if (not idb)(sqlite3:finalize! dbstruct))
    ;; (print "open-run-close-no-exception-handling END" )

(define open-run-close open-run-close-no-exception-handling)

(define (datashare:get-pkgs db area-filter version-filter iter-filter)
  (let ((res '()))
    (sqlite3:for-each-row ;; replace with fold ...
     (lambda (a . b)
       (set! res (cons (list->vector (cons a b)) res)))
     (conc "SELECT id,area,version_name,store_type,copied,source_path,iteration,submitter,datetime,storegrp,datavol,quality,disk_id,comment "
	   " FROM pkgs WHERE area like ? AND version_name LIKE ? AND iteration " iter-filter ";")
     area-filter version-filter)
    (reverse res)))


(define (datashare:import-data source-path dest-path area version iteration)
  (let ((targ-path (conc dest-path "/" area "/" version "/" iteration)))
    (create-directory targ-path #t)
    (process-run "rsync" (list "-av" source-path targ-path))
    #t)) ;; #t on success

(define (datastore:get-best-storage configdat)
  (let* ((storage     (configf:lookup configdat "setup" "storage"))
	 (store-areas (if storage (string-split storage) '())))
    (datastore:find-most-space store-areas)))

(define (datastore:find-most-space paths)
  (fold (lambda (area res)
	  ;; (print "area=" area " res=" res)
	  (let ((maxspace (car res))
		(currpath (cdr res)))
	    ;; (print currpath " " maxspace)
	    (if (file-write-access? area)
		(let ((currspace (with-input-from-pipe 
				  (conc "df --output=avail " area)
				  (lambda ()(read)(read)))))
		  (if (> currspace maxspace) 
		      (cons currspace area)
	(cons 0 #f)

;; GUI

;; The main menu 
(define (datashare:main-menu)
  (iup:menu ;; a menu is a special attribute to a dialog (think Gnome putting the menu at screen top)
   (iup:menu-item "Files" (iup:menu   ;; Note that you can use either #:action or action: for options
		       (iup:menu-item "Open"  action: (lambda (obj)
							(iup:show (iup:file-dialog))
							(print "File->open " obj)))
		       (iup:menu-item "Save"  #:action (lambda (obj)(print "File->save " obj)))
		       (iup:menu-item "Exit"  #:action (lambda (obj)(exit)))))
   (iup:menu-item "Tools" (iup:menu
		       (iup:menu-item "Create new blah" #:action (lambda (obj)(print "Tools->new blah")))
		       ;; (iup:menu-item "Show dialog"     #:action (lambda (obj)
		       ;;  					   (show message-window
		       ;;  					     #:modal? #t
		       ;;  					     ;; set positon using coordinates or center, start, top, left, end, bottom, right, parent-center, current
		       ;;  					     ;; #:x 'mouse
		       ;;  					     ;; #:y 'mouse
		       ;;  )					     

(define (datashare:publish-view configdat)
  (pp (hash-table->alist configdat))
  (let* ((areas       (configf:get-section configdat "areas"))
	 (label-size  "70x")
	 (areas-sel   (iup:listbox #:expand "HORIZONTAL" #:dropdown "YES"))
	 (version-tb  (iup:textbox #:expand "HORIZONTAL")) ;;  #:size "50x"))
	 (areas-sel   (iup:listbox #:expand "HORIZONTAL" #:dropdown "YES"))
	 (component   (iup:listbox #:expand "HORIZONTAL" #:dropdown "YES" ))
	 (version-val (iup:textbox #:expand "HORIZONTAL" #:size "50x"))
	 ;; (copy-link   (iup:toggle  #:expand "HORIZONTAL"))
	 ;; (iteration   (iup:textbox #:expand "YES" #:size "20x"))
	 ;; (iteration   (iup:textbox #:expand "HORIZONTAL" #:size "20x"))
	 (comment-tb  (iup:textbox #:expand "YES" #:multiline "YES"))
	 (source-tb   (iup:textbox #:expand "HORIZONTAL"
				   #:value (or (configf:lookup configdat "settings" "basepath")
	 (publish     (lambda (publish-type)
			(let* ((area-num    (or (string->number (iup:attribute areas-sel "VALUE")) 0))
			       (area-dat    (if (> area-num 0)(list-ref areas (- area-num 1))'("NOT SELECTED" "NOT SELECTED")))
			       (area-path   (cadr area-dat))
			       (area-name   (car  area-dat))
			       (version     (iup:attribute version-tb "VALUE"))
			       (comment     (iup:attribute comment-tb "VALUE"))
			       (spath       (iup:attribute source-tb  "VALUE"))
			       (submitter   (current-user-name))
			       (quality     2)
			       ;; (import-type (if (equal? (iup:attribute copy-link "VALUE") "ON" )
			       ;;  		'copy
			       ;;  		'link))
			       (db          (datashare:open-db configdat))
			       (iteration   (datashare:register-data db area-name version publish-type submitter quality spath comment))
			       (dest-store  (datastore:get-best-storage configdat)))
			  (if iteration
			      (if (eq? 'copy publish-type)
				  (datashare:import-data spath dest-store area-name version iteration))
			      (print "ERROR: Failed to get an iteration number"))
			  (sqlite3:finalize! db))))
	 (copy        (iup:button "Copy and Publish"
				  #:expand "HORIZONTAL"
				  #:action (lambda (obj)
					     (publish 'copy))))
	 (link        (iup:button "Link and Publish"
				  #:expand "HORIZONTAL"
				  #:action (lambda (obj)
					     (publish 'link))))
	 (browse-btn  (iup:button "Browse"
				  #:size "40x"
				  #:action (lambda (obj)
					     (let* ((fd  (iup:file-dialog #:dialogtype "DIR"))
						    (top (iup:show fd #:modal? "YES")))
					       (iup:attribute-set! source-tb "VALUE"
								   (iup:attribute fd "VALUE"))
					       (iup:destroy! fd))))))
    (print "areas")
    (pp areas)
    (fold (lambda (areadat num)
	    ;; (print "Adding num=" num ", areadat=" areadat)
	    (iup:attribute-set! areas-sel (conc num) (car areadat))
	    (+ 1 num))
	  1 areas)
     (iup:hbox (iup:label "Area:"        #:size label-size)   areas-sel)
     (iup:hbox (iup:label "Version:"     #:size label-size)   version-tb)
     ;; (iup:hbox (iup:label "Link only"    #:size label-size)   copy-link)
     ;; 	       (iup:label "Iteration:")   iteration)
     (iup:hbox (iup:label "Comment:"     #:size label-size)   comment-tb)
     (iup:hbox (iup:label "Source base path:" #:size label-size)   source-tb browse-btn)
     (iup:hbox copy link))))

(define (datastore:lst->path pathlst)
  (conc "/" (string-intersperse (map conc pathlst) "/")))

(define (datashare:get-view configdat)
    (let* ((label-size     "60x")
	   (area-filter    "%")
	   (version-filter "%")
	   (iter-filter    ">= 0")
	   (dat            (make-hash-table)) ;; reverse lookup
	   (apply          (iup:button "Apply"))
	   (submitter      (iup:label "" #:expand "HORIZONTAL"))
	   (date-submitted (iup:label "" #:expand "HORIZONTAL"))
	   (comment        (iup:label "" #:expand "HORIZONTAL"))
	   (copy-link      (iup:label "" #:expand "HORIZONTAL"))
	   (quality        (iup:label "" #:expand "HORIZONTAL"))
	   ;; (source-data    (iup:label "" #:expand "HORIZONTAL"))
	   (tb             (iup:treebox
			    #:value 0
			    #:name "Packages"
			    #:expand "YES"
			    #:addexpanded "NO"
			    (lambda (obj id state)
			      ;; (print "obj: " obj ", id: " id ", state: " state)
			      (let* ((path   (datastore:lst->path (cdr (tree:node->path obj id))))
				     (record (hash-table-ref/default dat path #f)))
				(if record
				      (iup:attribute-set! submitter      "TITLE" (datastore:pkg-get-submitter record))
				      (iup:attribute-set! date-submitted "TITLE" (time->string (seconds->local-time (datastore:pkg-get-datetime record))))
				      (iup:attribute-set! comment        "TITLE" (datastore:pkg-get-comment record))
				      (iup:attribute-set! quality        "TITLE" (datastore:pkg-get-quality record))
				      (iup:attribute-set! copy-link      "TITLE" (datastore:pkg-get-store_type record))
				(print  "id=" id " path=" path " record=" record);; (tree:node->path obj id) " run-id: " run-id)
	   (tb2             (iup:treebox
			    #:value 0
			    #:name "Packages"
			    #:expand "YES"
			    #:addexpanded "NO"
			    (lambda (obj id state)
			      ;; (print "obj: " obj ", id: " id ", state: " state)
			      (let* ((path   (datastore:lst->path (cdr (tree:node->path obj id))))
				     (record (hash-table-ref/default dat path #f)))
				(if record
				      (iup:attribute-set! submitter      "TITLE" (datastore:pkg-get-submitter record))
				      (iup:attribute-set! date-submitted "TITLE" (time->string (seconds->local-time (datastore:pkg-get-datetime record))))
				      (iup:attribute-set! comment        "TITLE" (datastore:pkg-get-comment record))
				      (iup:attribute-set! quality        "TITLE" (datastore:pkg-get-quality record))
				      (iup:attribute-set! copy-link      "TITLE" (datastore:pkg-get-store_type record))
				(print  "id=" id " path=" path " record=" record);; (tree:node->path obj id) " run-id: " run-id)
	   (refresh        (lambda (obj)
			     (let ((db (datashare:open-db configdat)))
				(lambda (pkgitem)
				  (let* ((pkg-path   (list (datastore:pkg-get-area  pkgitem)
							   (datastore:pkg-get-version_name pkgitem)
							   (datastore:pkg-get-iteration pkgitem)))
					 (pkg-id     (datastore:pkg-get-id          pkgitem))
					 (path       (datastore:lst->path pkg-path)))
				    ;; (print "tree:add-node tb=" tb ", pkg-path=" pkg-path ", pkg-id=" pkg-id)
				    (if (not (hash-table-ref/default dat path #f))
					(tree:add-node tb "Packages" pkg-path userdata: (conc "pkg-id: " pkg-id)))
				    ;; (print "path=" path " pkgitem=" pkgitem)
				    (hash-table-set! dat path pkgitem)))
				(datashare:get-pkgs db area-filter version-filter iter-filter))
			       (sqlite3:finalize! db)))))
       (iup:hbox tb tb2)
       (iup:hbox (iup:button "Refresh" #:action refresh) apply)
       (iup:hbox (iup:label "Submitter: ") ;;  #:size label-size)
		 (iup:label "Submitted on: ") ;;  #:size label-size)
       (iup:hbox (iup:label "Data stored: ")
		 (iup:label "Quality: ")
       (iup:hbox (iup:label "Comment: ")

(define (datashare:manage-view configdat)
    (iup:button "Pushme"
		#:expand "YES"

(define (datashare:gui configdat)
    #:title (conc "DataShare dashboard " (current-user-name) ":" (current-directory))
    #:menu (datashare:main-menu)
    (let* ((tabs (iup:tabs
		  #:tabchangepos-cb (lambda (obj curr prev)
				      (set! *datashare:current-tab-number* curr))
		  (datashare:publish-view configdat)
		  (datashare:get-view configdat)
		  (datashare:manage-view configdat)
	;; (set! (iup:callback tabs tabchange-cb:) (lambda (a b c)(print "SWITCHED TO TAB: " a " " b " " c)))
	(iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE0" "Publish")
	(iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE1" "Get")
	(iup:attribute-set! tabs "TABTITLE2" "Manage")
	;; (iup:attribute-set! tabs "BGCOLOR" "190 190 190")


(define (datashare:load-config path)
  (let* ((exename (pathname-file (car (argv))))
	 (fname   (conc path "/." exename ".config")))
    (ini:property-separator-patt " *  *")
    (ini:property-separator #\space)
    (if (file-exists? fname)
	;; (ini:read-ini fname)
	(read-config fname #f #t)

(define (main)
  (let* ((args      (argv))
	 (prog      (car args))
	 (rema      (cdr args))
	 (configdat (datashare:load-config (pathname-directory prog))))
     ((eq? (length rema) 1)
      (case (string->symbol (car rema))
	((help -h -help --h --help)
	 (print datashare:help))
	 (print "ERROR: Unrecognised command. Try \"datashare help\""))))
     ((null? rema)(datashare:gui configdat))
     ((>= (length rema) 2)
      (apply process-action (car rema)(cdr rema)))
     (else (print "ERROR: Unrecognised command. Try \"datashare help\"")))))
