;; given branch and baseline commit generate list of commands to cherry pick commits
;; Usage: fsl-rebase basecommit branch
(use regex posix)
(let* ((basecommit (cadr (argv)))
(branch (caddr (argv)))
(cmd (conc "fossil timeline after " basecommit " -n 1000000 -W 0"))
(theregex (conc ;; "^[^\\]]+"
"\\s+\\(.*tags:\\s+" branch
;; ".*\\)"
(print "basecommit: " basecommit ", branch: " branch ", theregex: " theregex ", cmd: \"" cmd "\"")
(lambda ()
(let loop ((inl (read-line))
(res '()))
(if (not (eof-object? inl))
(let ((have-match (string-search theregex inl)))
(if have-match
(loop (read-line)
(cons (conc "fossil merge --cherrypick " (cadr have-match)
"\nfossil commit -m \"Cherry pick from " (cadr have-match)
": " (caddr have-match) "\"")
(loop (read-line) res)))
(map print res))))))
;; (print "match: " inl "\n $1: " (cadr have-match) " $2: " (caddr have-match))
;; (print "no match: " theregex " " inl))
;; (loop (read-line))))))))