@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ (let* ((keys (rdb:get-keys db)) (keyvals (rdb:get-key-vals db run-id)) (thekey (string-intersperse (map (lambda (x)(if x x "-na-")) keyvals) "/")) ;; Why was system disallowed in the reading of the runconfigs file? ;; NOTE: Should be setting env vars based on (target|default) - (confdat (read-config fname #f #t environ-patt: environ-patt sections: '("default" thekey))) + (confdat (read-config fname #f #t environ-patt: environ-patt sections: (list "default" thekey))) (whatfound (make-hash-table)) (sections (list "default" thekey))) (if (not *target*)(set! *target* thekey)) ;; may save a db access or two but repeats db:get-target code (debug:print 4 "Using key=\"" thekey "\"")