

Getting Started

.Getting started with Megatest: creating a testsuite/flow and your first test with installation instructions following.
How to create your first testsuite and add a test.

After installing Megatest you can easily create a flow or testsuite and add some tests.

Creating a Megatest Area

.Using the helper to create a Megatest area
megatest -create-megatest-area

Creating a Test

.Using the helper to create a Megatest test
megatest -create-test testname



Chicken scheme and a number of "eggs" are required for building
Megatest. See the script in the utils directory of the
source distribution for an automated way to install everything
needed for building Megatest on Linux.

footnote:[An example footnote.]
indexterm:[Example index entry]

// And now for something completely different: ((monkeys)), lions and
// tigers (Bengal and Siberian) using the alternative syntax index
// entries.
// (((Big cats,Lions)))
// (((Big cats,Tigers,Bengal Tiger)))
// (((Big cats,Tigers,Siberian Tiger)))
// Note that multi-entry terms generate separate index entries.
// Here are a couple of image examples: an image:images/smallnew.png[]
// example inline image followed by an example block image:
// .Tiger block image
// image::images/tiger.png[Tiger image]
// Followed by an example table:
// .An example table
// [width="60%",options="header"]
// |==============================================
// | Option          | Description
// | -a 'USER GROUP' | Add 'USER' to 'GROUP'.
// | -R 'GROUP'      | Disables access to 'GROUP'.
// |==============================================
// .An example example
// ===============================================
// Lorum ipum...
// ===============================================
// [[X1]]
// Sub-section with Anchor
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Sub-section at level 2.
// Chapter Sub-section
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// Sub-section at level 3.
// Chapter Sub-section
// +++++++++++++++++++
// Sub-section at level 4.
// This is the maximum sub-section depth supported by the distributed
// AsciiDoc configuration.
// footnote:[A second example footnote.]
// The Second Chapter
// ------------------
// An example link to anchor at start of the <<X1,first sub-section>>.
// indexterm:[Second example index entry]
// An example link to a bibliography entry <<taoup>>.