
Check-in [ea060a034b]
Comment:Use run-id in queries looking for test info. Can't assume test-ids are unique. Added separate exception handler for serialization to help with debug (still causes grief when hit but at least you can find the issue but looking in server logs).
Downloads: Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | v1.80
Files: files | file ages | folders
SHA1: ea060a034b1e8656fa66c527e7d52f537bbf0248
User & Date: matt on 2023-04-09 21:07:39
Other Links: branch diff | manifest | tags
Partial implementation of using the loaded flag to throttle on client side. Need to turn off all server side throttling check-in: b79f855fba user: matt tags: v1.80
Use run-id in queries looking for test info. Can't assume test-ids are unique. Added separate exception handler for serialization to help with debug (still causes grief when hit but at least you can find the issue but looking in server logs). check-in: ea060a034b user: matt tags: v1.80
Clean up uses of tcp. tcp6 did not seem to work. Increased tcp backlog (didn't seem to help) and improved backoff check-in: 4860a4e6aa user: matt tags: v1.80

Modified api.scm from [2ad118d009] to [00192d5ed4].    [diff]

Modified db.scm from [cf4037913b] to [2ad1867042].    [diff]

Modified tcp-transportmod.scm from [574d8a43e3] to [f5f57267d2].    [diff]