
Check-in [b7937c6a6f]
Comment:Cherrypick of 5de2f 06451 0364b 07ff7 a374d. Support for save and get in archive.
Downloads: Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive
Timelines: family | ancestors | descendants | both | v1.65
Files: files | file ages | folders
SHA1: b7937c6a6f4d2fdb52ee9b0d3f6605eace59d373
User & Date: mrwellan on 2020-05-31 21:24:52
Other Links: branch diff | manifest | tags
Cherrypick 0a9e69 aa2998 63e558 b487e8 e28be4 50237f 64aa934, archive fixes, do not save 0 cpus to cache file, reduce frequency of notification of load checking, generate example fix, reduce from 10 to 5 number of times to try getting test info, use sha sum for log file name when it gets too long, reduce default inter-test-delay from 2 seconds to 0.1 check-in: 6cb8704b45 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65, v1.6548
Cherrypick of 5de2f 06451 0364b 07ff7 a374d. Support for save and get in archive. check-in: b7937c6a6f user: mrwellan tags: v1.65
Cherrypick 0495fb 2a858 from v1.65-broken. Better support for utilizing MT_ vars to fill defaults when -target, -testpatt, etc. are not specified check-in: 74a0e98868 user: mrwellan tags: v1.65

Modified archive.scm from [618f9a591e] to [80337cecee].    [diff]

Modified docs/manual/howto.txt from [b66065dad3] to [5266978039].    [diff]

Modified docs/manual/megatest_manual.html from [2cca53be9f] to [dd1dac404b].    [diff]

Modified docs/manual/reference.txt from [41ce966733] to [332bf8caed].    [diff]

Modified megatest.scm from [c339ebd309] to [c4f77722c1].    [diff]

Modified runs.scm from [1a91be2483] to [5ad6583ebc].    [diff]