
Artifact [a0c39060ae]

Artifact a0c39060aeb02f75212672d4b033bb00e5645b79:

(use json fmt posix)

;; abstract out the alist-ref a bit and re-order the params
(define-inline (aref dat key)
  (alist-ref key dat equal?))

;; convert silly vectors in json data to nice clean alist
(define (to-alist inlst)
	(print inlst))
     ((proper-list? inlst) (map to-alist inlst))
     ((or (list? inlst) ;; it is a pair
	  (pair? inlst))   (cons (car inlst) (to-alist (cdr inlst))))
     ((vector? inlst)      (to-alist (vector->list inlst)))
     (else                 inlst))))

;; columnar line printer
(define (print-rows inlist)
  (define (print-line x)
    (cat (car x)
	 (space-to 10)(pad/left 3 (cadr x))
	 (space-to 25)(pad/left 3 (caddr x))
  (fmt #t (pad-char #\  (fmt-join/suffix print-line inlist nl))))

;; from the command line pull branch, start-tag, end-tag
(define (extract-history branch start-tag end-tag)
  (let* ((data       (to-alist  ;; get all the data
			  "fossil json timeline checkin -n 0"
	 (timeline   (aref (aref data "payload") "timeline")) ;; extract the timeline alists
	 (start-flag #f)
	 (end-flag   #f))
    ;; now we have all needed data as a list of alists in time order, extract the
    ;; messages for given branch starting at start-tag and ending at end-tag
     (lambda (x) x)
      (lambda (entry)
	(let ((tags (aref entry "tags")))
	  (if (or (not tags) ;; eh?
		  (not (list? tags)))
		;; (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
		;;   (lambda ()
		;;     (print "ERROR: bad entry. tags: " tags)))
	      (let* ((btag (car tags))  ;; first tag is the primary branch
		     (tags (cdr tags))  ;; remainder are actual tags
		     (cmt  (aref entry "comment"))
		     (usr  (aref entry "user"))
		     (tms  (aref entry "timestamp")))
		;; (print "btag: " btag " tags: " tags " usr: " usr)
		(if (equal? btag branch) ;; we are on the branch
		      (if (member start-tag tags)(set! start-flag #t))
		      (let ((res (if (and start-flag
					  (not end-flag))
				       ,(time->string (seconds->local-time tms) "WW%U.%w %H:%M")
			(if (member end-tag tags)(set! end-flag #t))
      (reverse timeline)))))

(define (process-fossil branch start-tag end-tag)
   (extract-history branch start-tag end-tag)))

;; process command line args and dispatch the call to fossil processing
(if (and (> (length (argv)) 3)
	 (< (length (argv)) 5))
    (apply process-fossil (cdr (argv)))
    (begin ;; no inputs, exit with message
      (print "Usage: fslrept branch start-tag end-tag")