
Artifact [42b0dbd97b]

Artifact 42b0dbd97b8e79abf3955db17dddfb38b6cfe5bc:

Wiki page [Megatest] by mrwellan on 2017-09-22 13:53:09.
D 2017-09-22T19:53:09.742
L Megatest
P 8517bb9ea389c6e1b3de37160af19cdee4497fff
U mrwellan
W 989
<table><tr><td style="width:30%">
Megatest gives you a lot of the power of a tool like Make but it is far more flexible and far easier to use. It also has a GUI dashboard that can efficiently manage thousands of runs of thousands of tests.

<h3>Training materials:</h3>

  *  [./doc/tip/docs/megatest-training.odp|training presentation (odp)] or [./doc/tip/docs/megatest-training.pdf|pdf]
  *  [./doc/trunk/docs/manual/megatest_manual.html|Megatest User Manual]

<h3>Old documentation:</h3>

  *  [./doc/tip/docs/html/megatest.html|html version here]
  *  [./doc/tip/docs/megatest.pdf|pdf version here]. 

Some previous documentation and notes can be found at the old site here: [|opensrc/megatest]

| [Plans] | | [Contributors] | | [Notes] | [Misc] |[Tools]

</td><td><img src="doc/tip/docs/megatest-desktop.png"></td></tr></table>

<img src="doc/tip/docs/megatest-about.svg">

Z 9e8fb71f87ae4bb4f143daab24e68496