
Artifact [3a052304a5]

Artifact 3a052304a5505d1991dce659a8d409f5af2b92f1:

Wiki page [Megatest] by matt on 2013-07-17 01:02:51.
D 2013-07-17T07:02:51.242
L Megatest
P 13a59ac852c41e5950b6ba31dc8e3cea71775e58
U matt
W 662

There are now some training materials for megatest [./doc/tip/docs/megatest-training.odp|training presentation (odp)] or [./doc/tip/docs/megatest-training.pdf|pdf]

You can find the documentation [./doc/tip/docs/html/megatest.html|html version here] or [./doc/tip/docs/megatest.pdf|pdf version here]. The documentation is in LaTex (lyx) format. Install lyx to export a pdf version.<br>


<image src="doc/tip/docs/megatest-about.svg">

Some previous documentation and notes can be found at the old site here: [|opensrc/megatest]
Z 83f72aafdaefaf59167aaf7516126786