D 2015-04-19T18:13:34.943 L chicken-iup\sbounty P 84991928379eb9b1effacd4c1faa9c30fc9ab251 U matt W 916

Chicken IUP Update Bounty

I don't have time to update chicken-iup right now but I need it for several projects. To get chicken-iup updated I'm posting a bounty of US$200. Outline of steps to update chicken-iup: # Install required software; [http://www.mingw.org|mingw], [http://fossil-scm.org|fossil], [http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php|Inno setup] # Request full access to the chicken-iup fossil, email me at estiforta @ gmail . com # Clone the fossil # Install chicken scheme # Install ffcall # Install iup libraries # Install all the current eggs that were previously installed, add as many new ones as you wish # Update innodb config # Compile and make windows installer NOTE: I do not need the absolute latest versions of everything. If there are obstacles for getting a specific version compiled let me know and we can adjust expectations accordingly. Z 56679a0a38e126642c264e4957afcbfb