File Makefile artifact ec48ef78aa part of check-in b89c5d2520

# This is more to help me remember all the steps than for building :)

eh :
	@echo "Read the make file eh."

iup-module :
	cd iup;CSC_OPTIONS='-IC:/mylibs/iup/include -LC:/mylibs/iup/' chicken-install -D no-library-checks

canvas-draw-module :
	cd canvas-draw/chicken;CSC_OPTIONS='-IC:/mylibs/iup/include -LC:/mylibs/iup/' chicken-install -D no-library-checks

examples-inst :
	mkdir -p c:/chicken/examples
	cp examples/*.scm c:/chicken/examples

setup-chicken-iup.exe : Output/setup.exe
	cp Output/setup.exe setup-chicken-iup.exe

all : iup-module canvas-draw-module examples-inst # setup-chicken-iup.exe